Principle “ethical equals precise” as basis for ethos of biomedicine

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The principle of "ethical - means precise" suggests that only if ethically correct approaches to a living object are observed, it is possible to obtain accurate information about it. Previously, the problem of following ethical norms in biology has traditionally been examined in the context of the requirements of ethical committees on observance of certain formal rules for working with animals. In the present work, an attempt is made to justify the necessity of observing ethically adequate approaches to biological experiment as a necessary condition for obtaining accurate scientific information about a living object. Ethical approaches are considered ethical, which considers an animal in natural, natural conditions. This approach goes back to the ethics of naturalism, which means the return of remote monitoring of a living object as the basis for obtaining precise information about its structure and function.

About the authors

Kh. P. Tiras

Puschino State Institute of Natural Sciences; Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, RAS

PhD, Head of Chair of Humanities


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