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The modern concept of personalized medicine involves the use of new methods of molecular analysis to improve the assessment of predisposition to diseases, their prevention and treatment. But personalization often understood only in terms of pharmacogenetics. At the same time, all the doctors are well aware that recovery often depends not on the nature of the intervention and/or effectiveness of drug therapy, and the patient believes in the therapy or not, wants to get better or prefer the role of patient, doctor like him or dislike and so forth. The influence of socio-psychological situation of the individual patient on the effectiveness of treatment by physicians is a factor, but it is not the subject of their professional interest. Therefore, the concept of personalized medicine is not complete and scientifically credible until such time as in its development will bring together specialists in Humanities, first of all, bioethics. The article discusses the following tasks of bioethics in the development of personalized medicine: risk of the assessment absolutization of pharmacogenetic testing, correction of application of methods of personalized medicine in accordance with the principles of bioethics (especially with the principle of justice), the development of ethics applications of personalized medicine in clinical practice, ethical conduct expertise scientific research in the field of personalized medicine, informing the public and medical professionals about the humanitarian effects of the practical application of personalized medicine.

About the authors

N. N Sedova

Volgograd medical scientific center

Doctor of philosophy, doctor of legal Sciences, Professor, head. Lab ethical, legal and sociological examination Volgograd

A. A Basov

HPE "Volgograd state medical University" of RMPH

Candidate of sociological Sciences, Professor of philosophy, bioethics and law with course of medical sociology chair of sbee Volgograd


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