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In article it is showed that bioethics has got fully historical foreshortening already. Its appearance and development are connected with kairos: true time, filled with essence and meaning. Kairos differs from chronos which represents time from formal point of view as succession of phenomena changing each other. Kairos in modern conception presents itself as " the time out of joint" when from one side "the end of history" in the form of globalism is established, but from other side there is history "after the end". One can see here the disastrous results of globalism. In its turn the most strong awareness of kairos takes place in socialism, which appears as positive aspect of globalization and is connected with bioethics through the principle of justice. Bioethics in this case is going to be new paradigmal dimension as integrative socio-anthropological theory of justice.

About the authors

K. S Smirnov

Volgograd State Medical University

Candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of philosophy, bioethics and law with sociology of medicine Volgograd


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