Ethics – war – medicine: a scientific portrait of the problem in modern publications

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Background: The search for the meaning of war, the justification of violence, the acceptance of guilt and other moral problems worried Russian thinkers of the 19th century. Russian religious philosophy considers morally justified only war in defense of the highest spiritual shrines, which I.A. Ilyin, N.A. Berdyaev, L.P. Karsavin, A.A. Kersnovsky and others call the defense of the homeland, life and peace.

Aim: To assess research interest in the problems of ethics of war, ethics of military medicine, biomedical ethics in the intellectual field of open databases of scientific publications and offer a predictive plot of this scientific direction.

Materials and methods: A comparative analysis of open databases of scientific publications RSCI, NEB, CyberLeninka was carried out. The study of literature sources in the problem field under consideration made it possible to determine the directions of the research search using vectors – keywords "ethics", "war", "military medicine". Publications from the open CyberLeninka database were used and analyzed as a model scientific network database. Quantitative (number of publications) and qualitative (annotations) indicators were studied. To identify attitudes towards the ethical problems of war, a sociological survey of medical university students was conducted, N = 154, average age of respondents (19.2 ± 1.9) years. Standards of confidentiality and autonomy were respected for respondents.

Results: An analysis of the distribution of scientific publications by area of the international OECD classifier demonstrates the interest of researchers in the problem field of "Philosophy, ethics, religious studies" in 2020–2024. In all search options (using the keywords "War and Ethics", "War and Medicine", "Military Medicine") there are a larger number of publications in this area than in other social or sociological sciences. In the search query "war and ethics", there were 2 times more such publications than others. A pilot survey of future doctors confirms the interdisciplinary connection between the ethics of war and medicine.

Conclusion: The study demonstrates modern scientific interest in the ethics of war when studying problems related to war and military medicine. It would be of interest to conduct a more detailed study of the relationship between the ethics of war and medical ethics (bioethics) as an element of the ethical training of future doctors for professional activities in extreme conditions of peace and war.

About the authors

Alexey V. Filippov

Volgograd State Medical University


postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Law

Russian Federation, Volgograd

Nikolai V. Soloviev

Volgograd State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7423-6740

Chairman of the Volgograd section of the youth society “Wings of Bioethics”

Russian Federation, Volgograd


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Structure of scientific publications posted on the CyberLeninka platform with the keyword “war” in 2020–2024. On the ordinate: directions of scientific publications according to the OECD classifier – 1. History and archeology; 2. Linguistics and literary criticism; 3. Political sciences; 4. Philosophy, ethics, religious studies; 5. Economics and business; 6. Law; 7. Educational Sciences; 8. Art history; 9. Media (media) and mass communications; 10. Sociological sciences. X-axis: number of scientific publications in absolute numbers

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3. Fig. 2. Structure of scientific publications posted on the CyberLeninka platform with the keywords “war” and “ethics” in 2020–2024. On the ordinate axis: areas of scientific publications according to the OECD classifier – 1. Philosophy, ethics, religious studies; 2. History and archeology; 3. Linguistics and literary criticism; 4. Political sciences; 5. Law; 6. Educational Sciences; 7. Sociological sciences; 8. Economics and business; 9. Media (media) and mass communications; 10. Art history. X-axis: number of scientific publications in absolute numbers

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4. Fig. 3. Structure of scientific publications posted on the CyberLeninka platform with the keywords “war” and “medicine” in 2020–2024. On the ordinate: directions of scientific publications according to the OECD classifier – 1. History and archeology; 2. Clinical medicine; 3. Philosophy, ethics, religious studies; 4 Health Sciences; 5. Linguistics and literary criticism; 6. Economics and business; 7. Sociological sciences; 8. Educational Sciences; 9. Political sciences; 10. Fundamental medicine. X-axis: number of scientific publications in absolute numbers

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5. Fig. 4. Structure of scientific publications posted on the CyberLeninka platform with the keywords “military medicine” in 2020–2024. On the ordinate: areas of scientific publications according to the OECD classifier – 1. Clinical medicine; 2. History and archeology; 3. Health Sciences; 4. Economics and business; 5. Educational Sciences; 6. Fundamental medicine; 7. Linguistics and literary criticism; 8. Philosophy, ethics, religious studies; 9. Law; 10. Political sciences. X-axis: number of scientific publications in absolute numbers

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