Ethics of psychological care in the regional service "112" (based on the material of the Volgograd region)

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In recent years, the Russian Federation has seen the institutionalization of various forms of providing emergency psychological assistance to the population; The Volgograd region is no exception. Thus, in January 2021, on the basis of the State Treasury Institution of the Volgograd Region under the Committee for Ensuring the Life Safety of the Population of the Volgograd Region, within the framework of the "Control and Communications Center", a unified psychological service for emergency operational calls was created to provide emergency psychological assistance and support to residents of the Volgograd Region "112". Assistance is provided in a distant format between applicants/consumers of psychological services and dispatcher psychologists (DP) of the institution; it is available around the clock and does not require a SIM card or funds in the subscriber’s account. The work is carried out using and adapting modern psychological technologies of various directions to resolve the requests of applicants/consumers. A number of ethical problems in providing emergency psychological assistance and support to residents of the Volgograd region by aoperator-psychologist of the unified psychological service for emergency operational calls "112" (to applicants who are intoxicated, parasuicides and suicide victims, employees of the service itself, etc.) are highlighted. It is shown that the identified problems arise from the general problem field of bioethics (situations that are not clearly regulated in the legal field) and a conclusion is made about the expediency based on the agreed position of the organizers of emergency psychological assistance representing various departments, psychologists, lawyers, and specialists in the field of bioethics detailing the legal support for this institutionalized social practice. In principle, the above ethical problems arise from the general problem field of bioethics: situations that are not clearly regulated in the legal field. In this regard, it seems appropriate, based on the agreed position of the organizers of the implementation of emergency psychological assistance, psychologists, lawyers, and specialists in the field of bioethics representing various departments, to detail the legal support for this institutionalized social practice.

About the authors

Vadim M. Smirnov

Volgograd State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0009-0004-2191-4335

Lecturer of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology

Russian Federation, Volgograd

Vladimir V. Delaryu

Volgograd State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2812-4035

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology

Russian Federation, Volgograd


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