Open bioethical problems of modern transplantology (in the social as-sessments of future specialists)

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Background: At all times, moral principles and ethical standards have been the main instrument for regulating both the behavior of an individual and social consciousness as a whole. However, in modern society, the spread of cruelty and crime is becoming the norm. In such a situation, the moral qualities of the doctor become important, who must make decisions in conditions bordering between life and death.

Aim: to study social assessments of open bioethical problems of modern transplantology by future specialists.

Materials and methods: The cities of Arkhangelsk and Cherepovets served as the basis for the study. The collection of material was carried out in February-March 2023. The sample is complete (n = 436). The main group consisted of students of the Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk) (n = 103). The comparison group consisted of: 1) students of Cherepovets State University (n = 211): humanitarian (n = 102), technical (n = 109) areas and 2) secondary vocational education (n = 122): medical (n = 86) and pedagogical (n = 36) college.

Results: Half (43.6 %) of students, regardless of the direction of preparation for organ transplantation, have a positive attitude, perceiving this technology as “a step forward in medicine” (59.6; 95 % CI 55.0–64.1). Every third (37.8 %) is neutral, believing that organ transplantation is permissible only as a last resort (26.8 %; 95 % CI 22.9–31.2). Only 3.7 % have a negative attitude, considering organ transplantation to be unnatural to human nature (1.8 %; 95 % CI), leading to human trafficking (3.2 %; 95 % CI 1.9–5.3). Students of a medical college (90,8 %) are ten times more likely than students of a pedagogical college (9.2 %) to evaluate transplantation more loyally. They are less likely to choose neutral (40.5 % vs. 59.5 %, respectively) and negative (40 % vs. 60 %, respectively) assessments. At the same time, medical college students are twice as likely (66.7 % versus 33.3 %, respectively) to have no opinion on this issue at all.

Conclusion: Possible factors in the formation of bioethical ideas are shown based on an analysis of the personal characteristics of future specialists: demographic, social, psychological, spiritual.

About the authors

Tatiana G. Svetlichnaya

Northern State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6563-9604

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Health, Public Health and Social Work

Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk

Elena A. Smirnova

Cherepovets State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9383-0649

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Technologies

Russian Federation, Cherepovets


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