The phenomenon of stigmatization in the postmodern era: a structural analysis

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In the era of a religious and philosophical vacuum, the discrediting of ideological concepts and the production of objects of momentary consumption, not only the main universal values are devalued, but also human life itself. Many social processes and interactions are transferred to the Internet space and mass media, which, with the help of stereotypes, myths, can form a negative or positive reaction to a specific event in the mass consciousness.

Human life began to be perceived as a medical problem, a person as a patient, and his body and consciousness as an object of medical control and regulation. Doctors, having assumed the functions of social control, seeking to increase their power resource, on the one hand and professional status, on the other hand, can form a certain ideology in society, leading to a change in the social status of an individual. As a result, medical "labels" are attached to certain patterns of behavior and the restriction of an individual's vital activity, the strengthening of medicalization, the power of experts and the depoliticization of deviations.

About the authors

Tatiana G. Svetlichnaya

Northern State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6563-9604

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Health, Health and Social Work, Northern State Medical University

Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk

Vitaly A. Voronov

Vologda Regional Neuropsychiatric Dispensary No. 1

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7177-739X

chief medical officer Vologda Regional Neuropsychiatric Dispensary No. 1

Russian Federation, Cherepovets

Elena A. Smirnova

Cherepovets State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9383-0649

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Technologies Cherepovets State University

Russian Federation, Cherepovets


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