Bioethics as deconstruction

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The paradoxical perspective of bioethics supposing its explication as deconstruction is analysed in the article. The evolution of the program of deconstruction and its unexpected convergence with bioethical discourse is traced. Moreover, this discourse as itself can be considered as deconstruction of ethical thought. Bioethics in this case comes out as radicalization of ethics. Such kind of radicalization is necessary versus logocentric pressure and imposed consideration of human from the standpoint of so-called life sciences. Radicalization of ethics reveals insolvency of the liberal form of bioethics, reducing human essence to the totality of biological and social needs. At the same time conservative bioethics demonstrates heuristic potential coming from unique human ability for transcendence. Further, the logic of the development of bioethics allows to introduce the idea of bioethos as rhizomic, horizontal structure capable to become the alternative to the logocentric directons.

About the authors

Kirill S. Smirnov

Volgograd State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7233-9052

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of philosophy, bioethics and law with the course of sociology of medicine

Russian Federation, Volgograd


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