History of the journal:

1993 - creation of the first Russian ethical committee on the basis of the Volgograd Medical Academy and the Volgograd Medical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and AVO.

1998 - introduction of the elective course “Bioethics” at the Volgograd Medical Academy.

1999 - traineeship in bioethics for teachers of the Volgograd Medical Academy and the staff of the Volgograd Medical Scientific Center in the USA.

2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 - participation of future members of the editorial board in  the World Congresses on Bioethics and Medical Law. Membership in international bioethical organizations.

  1. - Conducting a Council of Europe seminar on human rights in clinical research on the basis of the Volgograd Medical Academy and the Volgograd Medical Scientific Center.

2004 - opening of advanced training courses in the specialties “Biomedical ethics” and “Medical law” at the Social and Humanitarian Center for Continuing Education in the VMA and the VMSC.

2001 - 2005 - publication of a series of articles and four monographs on bioethics by the staff of the VMA and the VMSC. Defense of 5 dissertations on problems of bioethics (specialty 14.00.05 and 12.00.01).

2006 - holding consultations at the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Science and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the creation of the first (and so far the only) journal in Russia “Bioethics”

2008 - registration of the journal and publication of the first issue.

Publications in the journal are free for all, the circulation is fully realized, odd numbers are published in Russian, even numbers are in English. The editorial board regularly hosts Roundtables on bioethics. Journal materials are used in the educational process.

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