
Modeling the hemodynamics of the cardiovascular system with cerebral aneurysm
Sindeev S., Frolov S.
Combined Kinetic-Hydrodynamic Model of Polyatomic Gas Flow
Nikitchenko J., Popov S., Tikhonovets A.
Development and Research of the Mathematical Model of Planar Motion of a Vehicle with a Semitrailer
Volkov V., Demyanov D., Karabtsev V.
Modeling Instabilities in Relativistic Electronic Beams in the CST Particle Studio Environment
Kurkin S., Badarin A., Koronovskii A., Frolov N., Hramov A.
Single-Velocity Model of Two-Phase Liquids for Calculating Flows According to the First Principles’ Approach
Zaitsev N., Kritskiy B.
Numerical Modelling of the Dynamics of a Cylindrical Turbulent Patch in a Longitudinal Shear Flow
Fomina A., Chernykh G.
Optimal Stationary Regimes in Kaldor’s Business Cycle Controlled Model
Aseev A.
Mathematical Model of Generation and Amplification of Radiation in a Multistage Laser
Sharandin E., Gladyshev V.
Parallel Monte Carlo for entropy robust estimation
Popkov Y., Popkov A., Darkhovsky B.
Numerical Modeling of the Static Electric Field Effect on the Director of the Nematic Liquid Crystal Director
Ayriyan A., Ayrjan E., Egorov A., Maslyanitsyn I., Shigorin V.
Optimal control of sustainable development in the biological rehabilitation of the Azov Sea
Nikitina A., Sukhinov A., Ugolnitsky G., Usov A., Chistyakov A., Puchkin M., Semenov I.
Mathematical Model and Algorithm for Calculating Pressing and Sintering
Burago N., Nikitin I.
Transport Processes at Partial Accommodation by the Walls of a Rectangular Channel
Germider O., Popov V.
Heat transfer process in an elliptical channel
Germider O., Popov V., Yushkanov A.
Analysis of anticorruption strategies in a modified Power–Society model
Mikhailov A., Gorbatikov E.
Model of the Dynamics of the Number of Arachnids in the Spectrum of Their Interspecies Competitive Relationships
Yusifov E., Mamedov A., Novruzov N., Khalilova V.
Transient Thermal-Nonequilibrium Model for Predicting the Removal of Cuttings when Drilling Directional Wells
Lyhin P., Toropetsky K., Ulyanov V., Usov E., Chuhno V.
Computer Simulation of Atomic Excitation Conductivity Using the Quantum Master Equation
Ozhigov Y., Skovoroda N.
Numerical simulation of forest fire propagation based on modified two-dimensional model
Kuleshov A., Myshetskaya E., Yakush S.
Numerical simulation of the effect of localization of the front of cellular necrosis during cutaneous cryosurgery
Kudryashov N., Shilnikov K.
The Dynamics of the Epidemic Process with the Antibiotic-Resistant Variant of the Pathogen Agent
Gerasimov A.
Adaptive Interpolation Algorithm Based on a kd-Tree for the Problems of Chemical Kinetics with Interval Parameters
Morozov A., Reviznikov D., Gidaspov V.
Spiking and bursting of a fractional order of the modified FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron model
Alidousti J., Ghaziani R.
On the accuracy of numerical simulation of the boundary layer separation on a finite-width wedge
Bosnyakov S., Babulin A., Vlasenko V., Engulatova M., Matyash S., Mikhaylov S.
Qualitative Properties of the Collisional Model for Describing Shock-Wave Dynamics in Gas Suspensions
Fedorov A., Khmel T.
1 - 25 из 38 результатов 1 2 > >> 
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