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Том 10, № 4 (2018)


Single-Velocity Model of Two-Phase Liquids for Calculating Flows According to the First Principles’ Approach

Zaitsev N., Kritskiy B.


A single velocity model of one-component media for calculating two-phase flows is presented. The model is based on conservation laws with minimal additional assumptions. The model and numerical method are intended for the direct numerical simulation (DNS) of complex two-phase flows with high-performance computing systems (exascale computing). The closed set of governing equations is written for nonaveraged parameters (so-called microparameters) and for a medium with a complex equation of state. It is assumed that each point of the flow is completely characterized by a single density, single velocity, and single internal energy. The diffused interface model is used for describing an interphase boundary. A method for generating the relationship between thermodynamic functions and all possible values of density and internal energy is presented. The real functions for the pure phases are used. The hydrodynamic basis of the model consists of Navier-Stokes equations or Euler equations that take heat conductivity processes into consideration. The reliability of the model is tested on a 1D problem for real water, in particular, on the Stefan problem and on the problem on the formation and coalescence of bubbles.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):387-397
pages 387-397 views

Generalization of Krasnoshchekov’s Model for the Case of a Decomposable Matrix of Social Interactions

Kozitsin I.


In this work, Krasnoshchekov’s model, which describes the behavior of people in a community under social and informational influences, is generalized to include the case of a system with a sophisticated structure of social interaction. In particular, the situation when an isolated group of people is formed who are not familiar with the rest of the community, which corresponds to a decomposable matrix of social interactions, is studied. The conditions for the solution of the system of equations describing the behavior of such a community to exist and be unique are considered. The problem of finding the relation between Krasnoshchekov’s and De Groot’s models is solved. The way this matrix of social interactions and the social independence of individuals affect the structure of the solution of this system, which describes in particularl how beliefs spread among people, is studied.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):398-406
pages 398-406 views

Electromagnetic and Thermomechanical Effect Produced by an Electronic Beam on a Solid Barrier

Voronin F., Inozemtseva K., Markov M.


The developed mathematical model simulates the thermomechanical effects which accompany electron scattering in a barrier. The generation of a space charge and an electromagnetic field is taken into account. For the ionized substance of the barrier and an electromagnetic field, Euler equations with the Lorentz force and Joule heating and Maxwell equations with a convective current are considered. Equations are constructed for the density of the Lorentz force acting on the ionized substance and for its Joule heating in the electromagnetic field. Conservative difference analogs of the quantities responsible for the interaction of the electromagnetic field with the ionized substance are developed.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):407-417
pages 407-417 views

Investigation of the Periodic Systematic Error in Determining the Centers of Star Images on the CCD Matrix of the BOKZ-M60 Star Sensor

Bessonov R., Kurkina A., Sazonov V.


We investigate the periodic systematic error found in ground-based measurements of the BOKZ-M60 star sensor. This error can be explained by the periodic pixel structure of the sensor CCD matrix. Our conclusion is based on processing a sufficiently long series of measurement data. The measurements are processed in a few stages. First, we approximate the stellar sky motion on the matrix plane using an appropriate mathematical model. Then, we trace the motion of some particular stars relative to the model sky motion. Using spectral analysis, we then find the periodic components of their motion. The period of those components allow us to make the conclusion given above.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):418-430
pages 418-430 views

Adapting a Mesh when Simulating Tsunami Waves

Nosov M.


The principles and methods of adapting an unstructured mesh to the distribution of ocean depths for long-wave models of tsunamis are described. It is shown that, in order to adequately reproduce tsunamis within the long-wave theory, the perturbation introduced in the model has to be smoothed or filtered to eliminate short-period components subject to phase dispersion. An explicit formula to calculate the cutoff period for a filter is proposed. The relative numerical efficiency of using unstructured meshes adapted to the distribution of ocean depths compared to regular meshes is estimated. It is shown that using unstructured meshes can ensure an increase in numerical efficiency by up to several thousand factors.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):431-440
pages 431-440 views

Effect of the Surface Tension on the Distribution Impurity Nanoparticles in a Double-Layer Stream of Glass Melts

Shabarova L., Kirillov Y., Churbanov M.


The motion of two viscous melts and the behavior solid-doped nanoparticles is studied using advanced computational techniques of fluid dynamics, taking into account the temperature inhomogeneity of the stream and the influence of the surface tension on the melt-particle-melt interface. The results of the application of the developed method for the system of chalcogenide glasses and silicon dioxide nanoparticles are given.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):441-449
pages 441-449 views

Computer Simulation of Atomic Excitation Conductivity Using the Quantum Master Equation

Ozhigov Y., Skovoroda N.


The conductivity of excitations in short chains of optical cavities containing two-level atoms capable of exchanging photons is considered. The Jaynes–Cummings–Hubbard (JCH) model is used taking into account the dephasing noise effect. Two counterintuitive quantum effects are reproduced for this model: the increase in conductivity by the dephasing noise (DAT effect) and the quantum bottleneck effect, which is a paradoxical slump in conductivity with the enhancement of the excitation transfer to the runoff. Using numerical simulation, we reveal an interesting relationship between those two effects. In particular, we found that the dephasing assisted transport (DAT) effect occurs only at the nonoptimal values of the runoff and inflow, i.e., in conditions where the conductivity is limited by the quantum bottleneck effect.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):450-458
pages 450-458 views

Thermomechanical Model of an Impermeable Porous Medium with a Chemically Active Filler

Alekseev M., Kuleshov A., Savenkov E.


A self-consistent mathematical model describing the thermomechanical behavior of an elastic medium, which contains voids filled with a chemically active substance, is considered. The behavior of the medium is described by thermomechanical equations. Processes in the pores are described by a lumped model which allows for energy release, chemical reactions, and conditions of phase equilibrium. The model makes it possible to take into account an arbitrary number of components, which can be in solid and three mobile phases (liquid gaseous, liquid hydrocarbon, and aqueous phases). The distribution of components between phases is obtained using a thermodynamically consistent technique under assumption that any mobile component can be present in any mobile phase. In order to describe the thermodynamic behavior of the components with allowance for phase transitions, cubic equations of state are used, which are rather common in engineering practice. An algorithm based on a combination of domain decomposition method and physical splitting approach is proposed for the numerical solution of the model system of equations.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):459-471
pages 459-471 views

Computing the Fermi−Dirac Functions by Exponentially Convergent Quadratures

Kalitkin N., Kolganov S.


Highly accurate specialized quadrature formulas are constructed for directly computing the Fermi−Dirac functions of the half-integer index. It is shown that the dependence of the error on the number of nodes is not power-law but exponential. The properties of such formulas are investigated. It is demonstrated that the factor of the convergence exponent is determined by the distance to the nearest pole of the integrand. This provides a very fast convergence of the quadratures. Simple approximations of the Fermi−Dirac functions of the integer and half-integer indices with an accuracy better than 1% are constructed; these approximations are convenient for physical estimates. In passing, asymptotic representations for Bernoulli numbers are found.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):472-482
pages 472-482 views

Direct Simulation of Moderately Rarefied Gas Flows in Two-Dimensional Model Porous Media

Balashov V.


The applicability of a quasi-hydrodynamic system of equations to the simulation of moderately rarefied gas isothermal flows in two-dimensional domains with a complex geometry typical for pore spaces of rock samples is numerically studied. In order to take into account gas slippage effect on the solid boundaries the classical Maxwell slip boundary conditions are used, for which an approximation is proposed and the implementation algorithm is described. The simulation results are presented for several samples under different average pressure values. A qualitatively correct dependence of the Klinkenberg slip factor on the ratio of the absolute permeability coefficient to the sample porosity is revealed.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):483-493
pages 483-493 views

On the Dynamics of Small Wind Power Generators

Selyutskiy Y.


Based on the previously developed closed mathematical model, the dynamics of a small horizontal axis wind turbine are studied. The procedure for identifying the aerodynamic torque is proposed for the case when the electromechanical interaction is nonlinear in a current. Elements of the system for the comparative analysis of different wind turbines are developed. The results of simulating the behavior of the device are compared with the available experimental data. It is shown that good agreement takes place. The behavior of the system under a changing wind is studied.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):494-500
pages 494-500 views

Phenomenological Computational Model for the Development of a Population Outbreak of Insects with Its Bifurcational Completion

Perevaryukha A.


The article discusses the model scenario of a sharp increase in the number of phytophagous insects, a dangerous and poorly predictable phenomenon. The scenario is based on the possibility of an increased reproduction efficiency of the state of the population in the range limited from above and from below. A time-limited local outbreak begins after overcoming the threshold equilibrium point. The slowdown in the rate of loss of generations is caused by the attenuation of the customary mechanisms of density regulation. The developed redefined computational structure takes into account the structure of various vulnerabilities of life stages before entry into the fertile age, which is established for the European corn borer. Reduction of the role of mortality factors will be unevenly distributed in the ontogenetic stages of the insect. The sudden start of the regulation mechanism due to the exhaustion of resources, which is strengthened because of the indirect competition between the adult and larval stages, is implemented by a special supplement on the right side in the equation of the population size decrease. The described variable effect of mortality regulation leads to a tangential bifurcation, which completes the phase of uncontrolled reproduction. In conclusion, we consider an example of a real situation of spontaneously decaying outbreaks of a pest vulnerable for its enemies corresponding to the derived characteristics of a dynamical system.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):501-511
pages 501-511 views

Transport Processes at Partial Accommodation by the Walls of a Rectangular Channel

Germider O., Popov V.


This paper considers a flow of rarefied gas with a specular-diffuse reflection of gas molecules from a model of a rectangular cross section of channel walls in the free regime. We assume that the channel maintains a constant pressure gradient. Mass and heat flows are obtained as a function of the tangential momentum’s accommodation coefficient and the ratio between the linear dimensions of the channel’s cross section. Similar results presented in the literature are compared.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):512-518
pages 512-518 views

Modeling Conductive Heat Transfer in Ground Air Coolers

Tonkoshkur A.


We propose a mathematical model for the heat transfer in ground tubular air coolers to construct the temperature field in it. The aim is to find the least admissible distance between the tubes. We visually present the results obtained in a program developed according to this model on MATLAB and in the PDE Toolbox MATLAB environment. Comparing the obtained results, we see that they are close to each other.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):519-528
pages 519-528 views

Convective Flows of Anomalous Thermoviscous Fluid

Kuleshov V., Moiseev K., Khizbullina S., Mikhaylenko K., Urmancheev S.


The specific hydrodynamic properties of flows occurring under the heat convection of fluid with anomalous thermoviscosity in a closed square cavity are studied. The mathematical model is based on the equations of the dynamics of a continuous medium in the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation with a nonmonotonic viscosity dependence of the temperature. The finite volume method and SIMPLE algorithm based on multiprocessor technology are used for simulation. The dependence of the anomaly parameters on the character of the convective flow of the liquid is considered. The influence of the viscous barrier on the flow structure is determined for a number of problem parameters.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(4):529-537
pages 529-537 views

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