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Том 8, № 1 (2016)


Approximating the solution of meteor physics equations through the use of elementary functions

Gritsevich M., Lukashenko V., Turchak L.


In this paper we examine the possibility of using approximations of elementary functions for the analytical solution of meteor physics equations, used to describe the trajectory and to evaluate the defining parameters of meteoroids entering the Earth’s atmosphere. We show the possibility of replacing the analytical solution with the combination of two elementary functions along one parameter. We provide estimates for the error of the proposed replacement. We investigate the magnitude of error in the function which arises in the approximation of meteoric observational data.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2016;8(1):1-6
pages 1-6 views

Analysis of instantaneous cardiac rhythm in a model of multifractal dynamics based on Holter monitoring

Ivanov A., Kudinov A., Lebedev D., Tsvetkov V., Tsvetkov I.


For the specific analysis of the variability of RR intervals of the cardiac rhythm, a method for measuring the instantaneous cardiac rhythm (ICR) represented by a multifractal dynamical model (MDM) has been developed. The advantages of this method, compared to the statistical methods of analysis of the RR intervals used, have been demonstrated. The method allows possible catastrophes of the cardiovascular system to be predicted. Using the data of Holter monitoring and the program system developed, we have plotted ICR curves, an ICR piecewise linear trend, and variability charts for three randomly chosen time intervals. The self-similarity (fractality) of the ICR up to an accuracy of 5% has been shown based on the explicit data. The MDM parameters have been calculated based on the ICR data. The analysis of the dynamics of these parameters has been conducted and their compliance with the status of the patient examined has been studied. The relevance of the ICR examination within MDM is closely related to the necessity of recognizing new markers of adverse cardiovascular episodes. The research performed shows that the results obtained could be taken as a basis for developing a new mathematical method of ICR examination based on Holter monitoring.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2016;8(1):7-18
pages 7-18 views

Quantum simulation of structure switching in a molecular system

Popov A., Nikishin N., Shumkin G.


This article presents the results of ab initio quantum simulation of graphite-like structure formation from amorphous carbon. It is devoted to explaining a resistivity switching mechanism in experiments on phase-change memory. In this work, a two-scale molecular dynamics model is used, which consists of Car-Parrinello quantum molecular dynamics (CPMD) and modified Ehrenfest molecular dynamics. The results of simulation point out to the appearance of a layered graphite-like molecular structure at an increase in temperature. These changes in the atomic configuration can be considered as a second-order phase transition in nanostructured material, which leads to threshold resistivity switching. For calculations, the IBM BlueGene/P supercomputer installed at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University was used.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2016;8(1):19-26
pages 19-26 views

Parallel Monte Carlo for entropy robust estimation

Popkov Y., Popkov A., Darkhovsky B.


A new method of entropy-robust nonparametric estimation of probability density functions (PDFs) of the characteristics of dynamic randomized models with structured nonlinearities given a small amount of data is proposed. Optimal PDFs are shown to belong to the exponential class with Lagrange multipliers being its parameters. In order to determine these parameters, a system of equations with integral components is constructed. An algorithm for solving this problem is developed based on parallel Monte Carlo techniques. The accuracy of the numerical integration for the given class of integral components and the probability of its achievement are estimated. The method is applied to a second-degree nonlinear dynamic system with the given structure of exponential nonlinearity.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2016;8(1):27-39
pages 27-39 views

Three-dimensional simulation for the kinetics of electron–proton plasma with supercritical density in a powerful electromagnetic field of laser radiation

Imshennik V., Ginzburg S., Dyachenko V.


Numerical solution of the Vlasov–Maxwell equations in a three-dimensional (3D) model for the interaction between a powerful electromagnetic field of laser radiation and electron–proton plasma with a supercritical density yields kinetic functions of electron and proton distribution versus time. In this work, such kinetics are analyzed in detail, which makes it possible to elucidate the mechanism underlying the important effect of the considered interaction, i.e., the effect of proton acceleration up to very high energies of dozens megaelectron-volts. This mechanism consists in transferring the momentum of the incident electromagnetic wave enhanced by the reflection effect of this wave to the proton component of the plasma. Qualitatively, these results are consistent with the physical experiments of the last decade. The paper also presents the calculation results for the distribution of all (six) components of the electromagnetic field inside the plasma with account for violation of the plasma electroneutrality. This work studies the kinetic properties of the plasma and is a continuation of our previous publications.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2016;8(1):40-53
pages 40-53 views

Calculation of platelet clot growth based on advection-diffusion equations

Pogorelova E., Lobanov A.


A numerical method for solving equations of a model for platelet transport in blood plasma flow and platelet clot formation is modified. The full matrix for shear-induced diffusion of the platelets is used. A comparison of a blood clot’s shapes corresponding to various lengths of vessel-wall damage is given.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2016;8(1):54-62
pages 54-62 views

Solution of the stokes equation in three-dimensional geometry by the finite-difference method

Vasilyev R., Gerke K., Karsanina M., Korost D.


The recent progress in the methods for the study of the three-dimensional structure of porous and composite materials (microtomography, confocal microscopy, and FIB-SEM) and the significant improvement in the available computational resources make it possible to simulate various processes directly in the three dimensional geometry of samples of such materials (pore-scale modeling) in order to determine their effective properties or to get a more detailed understanding of the studied processes, such as filtration. In this work, we solve the Stokes equation by the finite-difference method using schemes of the second and fourth orders of accuracy in a three-dimensional domain whose geometry reproduces the microstructure of the investigated rock samples. The numerical values of permeability obtained for a sample of sandstone are consistent with the data of laboratory measurements.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2016;8(1):63-72
pages 63-72 views

Universal stock constants in models of competition

Il’ichev V.


The main models of the competition between populations in a variable environment are described and studied. It is shown that to have a competitive advantage in a time-periodic environment, the (initial) population has to surpass its competitors in terms of productivity with some margin. The constant of a stock can be chosen universal independently of the number of competitors. The constant of stock in a spatially heterogeneous medium is shown to depend on the number of areas in the water body. It increases without limits, so there cannot be a universal constant of a stock.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2016;8(1):73-83
pages 73-83 views

Mathematical model of flaw detection

Kurakin A., Lobkovsky L.


Analyzing the efficiency of preventive measures based on probability relations of reliability theory demonstrates that these measures principally rank below nondestructive testing (defectoscopy, or flaw detection), which represents a direct diagnostic method for preventing failures and accidents. The proposed mathematical model rests on the interpretation of nondestructive testing as observations of the current state of the basic reliability parameter, namely, the failure rate. Analytical relations of the model are obtained using Kolmogorov’s equations for the limiting probabilities of the state graph of an item–defectoscope system. The model has the following parameters: the failure and restoration rates of an item, the probabilities of errors of the first and second kind of the faults' detection, and the frequency of item testing. The results demonstrate the technological and economic efficiency of flaw detection. Here, the frequency of testing is more important for economic efficiency than small probabilities of errors. The model can be used to optimize performance specifications for the design of flaw detection equipment. The numerical examples approximately correspond to conditions of offshore industry.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2016;8(1):84-91
pages 84-91 views

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