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Vol 10, No 5 (2018)


Parametric Resonance and Energy Transfer in Dusty Plasma

Semyonov V.P., Timofeev A.V.


Model allowing analytical and numerical studies of a dusty plasma system is used to describe the dynamics of a monolayer of dusty particles. The mechanism of energy transfer between horizontal and vertical particle motion based on parametric resonance is described by the extended Mathieu equation. The resonance regions and growth rates of dust particles energy are obtained. The conditions for the occurrence of resonance and the initial stage of energy transfer are described more precisely based on the analysis of the obtained data. It is shown that a wide spectrum of dust particle oscillations participates in the system heating. The harmonics contributing the most to this process are determined.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):539-550
pages 539-550 views

Application of the Monte Carlo Method for Simulation of Pattern Formation by Ion-Beam Sputtering of Amorphous Bodies

Skachkov M.V.


The formation of ordered structures by ion-beam sputtering of a surface of an amorphous body in the case when a strong nonlinearity has a significant effect on the morphology of the irradiated surface is studied. Three modifications of the Monte Carlo method are used for the numerical simulation of the process, and the first of them is a kind of imitational simulation. It is shown that the direct (imitating) statistical simulation of the ion bombardment of the surface of the target, which best matches the considered physical process and is widely used in other papers, has a serious disadvantage. In the case of imitational simulation, random fluctuations of the depth of the sputtering roughen the target surface to such an extent that none of the modes provided by the continuous model can be observed. It especially concerns the modes set after the long ion bombardment of the surface of the target. However, solutions of the continuous model can be investigated numerically by means of other modifications of the Monte Carlo method with decreased dispersion. Two of these modifications are developed in this paper. Applying these methods, under certain conditions, an ordered structure composed of hexagonally symmetrical hollows is obtained on the surface of the target after the target’s long-term exposure to irradiation by a normal ion beam.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):551-563
pages 551-563 views

Kinetic Monte Carlo Method: Mathematical Foundations and Applications for Physics of Low-Dimensional Nanostructures

Kolesnikov S.V., Saletsky A.M., Dokukin S.A., Klavsyuk A.L.


The kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) method is an indispensable method for studying atomic and molecular systems, which makes it possible to solve a wide range of problems associated with atomic diffusion, the formation of defects and chemical compounds of various types, as well as the growth and self-organization of nanostructures. In this paper, we consider the fundamentals of the kMC and its modern modifications, both rigid-lattice and off-lattice. Particular attention is focused on constructing self-learning algorithms based on different methods for finding the saddle points of potential energy and on the techniques for the acceleration of the Monte Carlo method. Every considered method is illustrated by relevant examples mostly associated with the physics of metal surfaces.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):564-587
pages 564-587 views

Hyperbolic Quasi-Gasdynamic System

Chetverushkin B.N.


A hyperbolic variant of a gasdynamic system is studied. Its characteristic feature is the presence of the second derivatives of gasdynamic time variables with a small parameter. Its application to numerical modeling based on the use of ultra-high-performance computing systems is considered. Some aspects of the theoretical justification of this system are discussed.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):588-600
pages 588-600 views

On Ground Water Flow to an Imperfect Gallery: Case of Evaporation from a Free Surface

Bereslavskii E.N., Dudina L.M.


The plane steady-state filtration in a phreatimetric formation to an imperfect gallery in the presence of evaporation from the free surface of groundwater is considered. In order to study the evaporation effect, a multiparameter mixed boundary-value problem of the theory of analytic functions is posed and solved by the Polubarinova-Kochina method. Based on the proposed model, we develop an algorithm to compute the seepage flow characteristics and provide the hydrodynamic analysis of the impact of the dependences of all the physical parameters of the scheme on the flow rate of the gallery and the ordinate of the exit point of the depression curve on an impermeable screen.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):601-608
pages 601-608 views

Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Investigating Ice Strength

Miryaha V.A., Sannikov A.V., Biryukov V.A., Petrov I.B.


This paper discusses the numerical modeling of various ice-strength measurement experiments, including uniaxial compression and bending, and it also compares the data obtained by field and numerical experiments. Numerical simulation is based on a dynamic system of continuum mechanics equations with ice considered as an elasto-plastic medium with brittle and crushing fracture dynamic criteria. The simulation software developed by the authors is based on the discontinuous Galerkin method and runs on high-performance systems with a distributed memory. Estimating the explicit values used by the mathematical models poses a major problem because some of them cannot be directly measured in field experiments due to the multiple interferences of physical processes. In practice, it is only possible to directly measure their total influence. However, this problem can be solved by comparing the numerical experiment with the field data. As a result of this work, the elasto-plastic ice model is verified and some missing physical properties are obtained by the numerical experiments.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):609-615
pages 609-615 views

On the Issue of the Gravitational Instability of the Solar Protoplanetary Disk

Dolgoleva G.V., Legkostupov M.S., Pliner L.A.


The gravitational instability of a homogeneous isotropic infinite gravitating gaseous medium is investigated in order to study the physical processes that take place during the formation of the solar planetary system. The analytical and numerical solutions of the motion equations of such a medium are considered in two approximations: cold gas and gas at a finite temperature. The real solutions describing the behavior of both wave density disturbances of a homogeneous medium and single disturbances are obtained. Waves of gravitational instability whose amplitude grows exponentially and whose highs and lows, as well as their nodal points, retain their positions in space follow the basic laws of Jean’s model. The authors interpret this wave of instability as an analogue of protoplanetary rings, which can be formed in protoplanetary disks. According to the numerical calculation results, the reaction of a homogeneous gravitating medium to the single initial perturbation of its density is significantly different from the laws of Jean’s model. The instability localized in single initial perturbations extends to the region λ < λJ, although in this case the growth of the perturbation density is considerably less than for λ > λJ. It is discovered that the gravitational instabilities in the region λ > λJ suppress sound. It is shown that, without taking into account the rotation of the Sun’s protoplanetary disk medium, its critical density in the event of a large-scale gravitational instability is about four orders of magnitude smaller than the critical density in accordance with the theory of planet formation by the accumulation of solids and particles.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):616-628
pages 616-628 views

Mapping the Properties of Geological Objects with Allowance for Anisotropy Based on the Simulation of the Deformation Transformation

Plavnik A.G., Sidorov A.N.


The statement for the problem on mapping the properties of geological objects is considered. Examples of its solution with allowance for anisotropy based on modeling the deformation transformation of an initially isotropic space within the variational method for geological mapping are given. The problem is reduced to modifying the type of model conditions represented by partial differential equations using the Jacobian matrix corresponding to the coordinate transformation for the simulated deformation. The proposed approach is applicable to the solution of two-dimensional and three-dimensional problems of geological mapping taking into account both the homogeneous and locally varying space anisotropy of the properties of geological objects

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):629-638
pages 629-638 views

Numerical Modeling of Wave Processes in Rocks by the Grid-Characteristic Method

Favorskaya A.V., Petrov I.B.


The aim of this work is to study the spatial dynamic of wave propagation in rock formations, taking into account ravines and caverns. The dynamics of the seismic and acoustic waves generated by explosions of different types is investigated using seismograms measured by several reception lines. The research uses the numerical experiments using the full-wave joint simulation of acoustic and seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous mixed acoustic and linear-elastic media. The grid-characteristic method is used to obtain the mathematically and physically correct description of spatial dynamic wave processes taking the boundary and contact surfaces, including the interfaces between the linearelastic and the acoustic environments, into consideration. The influence of the type of explosion on the spatial dynamic wave patterns and seismograms is analyzed for the cases of horizontal and vertical reception lines. The dependences of spatial dynamic wave patterns and seismograms recorded by the horizontal and vertical reception lines on the distance of the karst caverns from the ravine are studied. The basic types of waves that different types of explosions generate in the rock formations, ravines, and caverns are investigated. The basic laws that characterize the emerging wave patterns and their influence on seismograms are found.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):639-647
pages 639-647 views

Predictive Modeling of Coastal Hydrophysical Processes in Multiple-Processor Systems Based on Explicit Schemes

Sukhinov A.I., Chistyakov A.E., Shishenya A.V., Timofeeva E.F.


The computational efficiency of implicit and explicit regularized schemes is compared for the suspension transportation and storm surge, which are two actual hydrophysics problems reduced to nonlinear systems of diffusion-convection equations. Regularized schemes are applied to the reformation of the bottom surface caused by the suspension sedimentation on the bottom of the water body under the dumping soil and for modeling the surging storm in the Taganrog Gulf of the Azov Sea on September 24–25, 2014 when the water level exceeded the normal level by 420 cm under the effect of a hurricane that lasted 30 h with a wind speed of 40 m/s. The computational experiments demonstrate that the explicit scheme obtained on a 512-core of a supercomputing system of the Southern Federal University in Taganrog with a computational grid with 5001 × 5001 × 101 nodes is faster by a factor of 71.5 than the implicit scheme.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):648-658
pages 648-658 views

On Resolving Inverse Nonstationary Scattering Problems in a Two-Dimensional Homogeneous Layered Medium by the τ–p Radon Transform

Baev A.V.


We consider a two-dimensional nonstationary inverse scattering problem in a layered homogeneous acoustic medium. The data consist of a scattered wavefield from a surface point source registered on the boundary of the half-plane. We prove the uniqueness of the recovery of an acoustic impedance and velocity in a medium from the scattering data. An algorithm for solving an inverse twodimensional scattering problem as a one-dimensional problem with the parameter based on the τ–p Radon transformation is constructed. Also, the numerical modeling results for the direct scattering problem and solutions of a pair of inverse scattering problems in a layered homogeneous acoustic medium are presented. The proposed algorithm is applicable to data processing in geophysical prospecting both for surface seismics and vertical seismic profiling.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):659-669
pages 659-669 views

Implicit Lagrangian-Eulerian Tvd Method For Solving Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Equations On Unstructured Meshes

Vaziev E.M., Gadzhiev A.D., Kuzmin S.Y., Panyukov Y.G.


An ALE method for solving hydrodynamic equations on unstructured meshes is presented. It is based on an implicit finite-volume scheme derived in Godunov’s approach. The basic quantities (the density, temperature, and velocity) are defined at cell centers. For relations between pressure and velocities at the centers and their analogs at the nodes, we use the relations proposed by P.H. Maire et al. A piecewise-linear TVD reconstruction of the pressure and velocity in the cell is used to achieve the second-order approximation of smooth solutions, preserving their monotonicity. Mesh rezonings are implemented during the calculation. To recalculate the values, the old mesh is covered onto the new one so that a bounded piecewise-linear representation is used for the values in the cells of the old mesh, while the interface in the mixed cells is reconstructed by the VOF method. The mass, momentum, and total energy are conserved under the recalculation.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2018;10(5):670-679
pages 670-679 views

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