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Vol 9, No 2 (2017)


Modeling the influence of the Chelyabinsk meteorite’s bow shock wave on the Earth’s surface

Astanin A.V., Dashkevich A.D., Petrov I.B., Petrov M.N., Utyuzhnikov S.V., Khokhlov N.I.


The influence of the Chelyabinsk meteorite’s bow shock wave on the Earth’s surface is modeled. For solving the problem, a 3D statement is considered for its gas-dynamic and seismic parts. The determining equations of a gas-dynamic model and a seismic model are Euler equations with respect to the radiation heat exchange and the equations of linear elasticity theory, respectively. Two parts of the problem are matched by the direct mechanism of the disturbance transmission. A model seismic signal is compared with the real data. Modeling a seismic effect makes it possible to specify the estimate of the typical parameters of the phenomenon (height of the explosion, and the density and characteristic sizes of the meteorite).

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):133-141
pages 133-141 views

A mathematical model of impurity propagation in ventilation networks

Kholodov Y.A., Vasiliev M.O., Kholodov A.S., Tzibulin I.V.


The objective of this study is the construction of the numerical mathematical model for the propagation of fine impurities in ventilation networks using gas dynamic equations by the numerical coupling of domains with different dimensions.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):142-154
pages 142-154 views

Application of schemes with a quasi-one-dimensional reconstruction of variables for calculations on nonstructured sliding grids

Bakhvalov P.A., Bobkov V.G., Kozubskaya T.K.


The paper generalizes the conservative volume-centered scheme based on the quasi-onedimensional reconstruction of variables (the BBR scheme) to solve the Euler equations on blockstructured three-dimensional nonstructured grids with sliding interfaces. The calculation of flow by the BBR scheme implies a high volume of calculations, dependent only on the grid geometry. In making calculations on a static grid, these calculations can be carried out at the stage that initialization is calculated. In the presence of sliding interfaces in their neighborhood, these geometrical coefficients have to be recalculated after each offset of one grid block relative to another, that is, for each moment of time. In this paper we propose the modification of the BBR scheme near the grid interface, thus avoiding an excessively high expenditure of the processor time. It is equally applicable for linear schemes and for the use of limiters. On test cases, it is demonstrated that in the use of the implementation scheme described here, the presence of the sliding interface does not have a material effect on the accuracy of the calculations.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):155-168
pages 155-168 views

Thirteen-moment model kinetic equation and its parameters

Latyshev A.V., Yushkanov A.A.


We propose the generalized model kinetic equation that represents a hybrid of the Shakhov equation and the ellipsoidal statistical Holway equation; this is the thirteen-moment equation. The constants of the equation are expressed at first in the terms of the transport coefficients, namely, the viscosity of a gas, its heat conductivity, and the self-diffusion coefficient. Next, the transport coefficients are expressed in terms of integral brackets; for the molecule–rigid sphere model these coefficients are brought to a number in the first and second approximations.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):169-175
pages 169-175 views

Statistical characteristics of anomalously large surface waves based on computational experiments

Shamin R.V., Yudin A.V.


The computational experiments on modeling surface waves, which are used for studying the statistics of the occurrence of extremely large surface waves depending on the parameters of the initial waves, are considered. The sudden occurrence of abnormally large waves in the ocean is a big hazard for marine vessels and structures. In recent years, incontrovertible evidence of this phenomenon, such as instrumentation records and photographs, has been presented. The main method of studying the phenomenon of rogue waves in this work is computational experiments based on the complete nonlinear hydrodynamic equations of an ideal liquid with a free surface. The method of conformal variables that is used for the original system of equations enables one to make effective and accurate calculations by computers and computing complexes. According to the experimental results, the statistics of the occurrence of anomalously large surface waves is studied. The use of dissipation and pumping in these computational experiments has made it possible to perform continuous calculations that are not stopped if a rogue wave occurs. The intensity of the occurrence of rogue waves depending on the values of the squares of the mean steepness and wave dispersion is estimated. It is shown that doubling the computational region almost doubles the intensity. The proposed procedure of the computational experiments allows estimating the average waiting time of a rogue wave in the assigned region.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):176-184
pages 176-184 views

Multimedia illustration of a mathematical model in a scientific article

Gorbunov-Posadov M.M.


As a rule, an illustration is one of the key components of presenting a mathematical model. When illustrations are based on multimedia technologies they become particularly informative and catch the reader’s interest. Most of the scientific articles today are available online anyway; thus, the authors could use multimedia tools to brighten dry texts. Unfortunately, multimedia instruments are still rarely used in scientific papers because of the inertia of the printed media and technical difficulties. Different ways of using illustrations in multimedia and the experience of Russian scientific publications in this field are considered.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):185-189
pages 185-189 views

Electromagnetic waves in media with permittivity dispersion

Bakholdin I.B., Berezin A.V., Kryukov A.A., Markov M.B., Plyushchenkov B.D., Sadovnichii D.N.


A technique for the numerical simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in materials with permittivity depending on the frequency is presented. The technique is based on numerical solutions of Maxwell equations with additional integral components in the bias current density. The technique to calculate the bias current density in dispersive media is represented and the corresponding modification of finite-difference scheme for Maxwell equations developed earlier is carried out. The electromagnetic pulse propagation in solid-fuel power systems is calculated.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):190-200
pages 190-200 views

Modeling the atomic diffusion coefficient of channeled particles

Shtanov Y.N., Koshcheev V.P., Morgun D.A., Panina T.A.


The atomic diffusion coefficient of channeled particles has been constructed within the Doyle–Turner approximation of the potential of an isolated atom. It is shown that the atomic diffusion coefficient seeks its minimum value in the region of the maximum nuclear density of the atomic chain where the Kitagawa–Ohtsuki diffusion coefficient reaches its maximum value. Atomic diffusion coefficients have been modeled with the TROPICS software that was upgraded for calculations on heterogeneous structures.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):201-205
pages 201-205 views

On the accuracy of the direct discrete simulation of the Landau collision integral by the Boltzmann integral

Karpov S.A., Potapenko I.F., Bobylev A.V.


The Landau (Fokker–Planck) integral of Coulomb collisions is an integral component of the physical and mathematical models of both laboratory and space plasma, in which the intermediate collisionality regime is important. This paper discusses the method for the direct statistical simulation of the Monte Carlo type for a kinetic equation with a nonlinear operator of the Landau–Fokker–Planck (LFP) Coulomb collisions. This method is based on the approximation of the Landau collision integral by the Boltzmann collision integral. The paper has two main objectives: firstly, to obtain numerical estimates of the order of approximation of the Landau collision integral by the Boltzmann integral and, secondly, to explore the possibilities of optimizing the algorithm for multiply charged ions. The results are illustrated by the calculations of the problem on the relaxation of the initial distribution to equilibrium for one and two components.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):206-220
pages 206-220 views

Solution of problems of oil reservoirs flooded with water using polymer-dispersed systems on a multiprocessor computer system

Nikiforov A.I., Sadovnikov R.V.


The paper provides the results of the numerical simulation of the impact of polymer-dispersed systems on oil reservoirs in order to increase the flow resistance of flooded areas and to involve nonmoving or slow-moving oil reserves in active development. The mathematical model of this process was built based on the known laws of the conservation of mass and momentum. The capillary model of the porous medium was used to construct closure relations that allowed us to describe the formation of polymer-dispersed components and their influence on a porous medium. The complexity of solving the problem of the impact of polymer-dispersed systems on the process of oil displacement by water from a porous medium is related to the three-dimensionality and nonstationarity processes of filtration, as well as the need to calculate the fields of polymer concentration, pressure and saturation fields, and the structural changes in porosity and permeability at each time step and at each point in space. All these factors require significant computer time and resources. The paper presents the algorithm of parallel calculations using a multiprocessor computer system with the MPI library. Calculations on a real field demonstrated the efficiency of the algorithm.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):221-231
pages 221-231 views

On the problem of a free drag of a rigid body with a tapered front in a resisting medium

Shamolin M.V.


The author constructs a nonlinear mathematical model of a plane-parallel impact of the medium on a rigid body with a front part of the outer surface shaped as a circular cone. Multivariable analysis of the dynamic equations of motion was performed. A new family of phase patterns on the phase cylinder of quasi-velocities has been obtained. This family consists of infinitely numerous topologically inequivalent phase patterns. The sufficient conditions for the stability of an important mode of motion, i.e., rectilinear translational drag, have been obtained, as well as conditions for the presence of the self-oscillatory modes in the system.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):232-247
pages 232-247 views

A refined model of longitudinally reinforced metal composite wall-beams under steady creep conditions

Yankovskii A.P.


This paper provides equations describing, to a different degree of accuracy, the bending behavior of longitudinally reinforced metal-composite beams-walls, working under conditions of the steady creep of materials of all phases of composition. From these equations, as partial cases, the correlations of the Bernoulli theory and two versions of the Timoshenko theory are obtained. For statistically definable beams, a simplified version of the specified theory has been developed. Based on the cases of the study of the flexural deformation of hinge-based beam-walls, it is demonstrated that there are such metal compositions, which when used, means that neither classical theory, nor either of the two variants of Timoshenko’s theory can guarantee reliable results regarding amenability even within a 20% level of accuracy, thought of as accessible in the study of the mechanical behavior of structures under the conditions of a steady creep. However, to make reliable calculations, the use of specified theories is needed, allowing for the calculation of the edge effects arising in phase materials in the neighborhood of supporting cross sections.

Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. 2017;9(2):248-261
pages 248-261 views

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