
Effect of the Increasing Intensity of Recreational Fishing on the Fish Assemblage of a Watercourse in an Economic Development Zone
Boznak E., Zakharov A., Tereshchenko V.
Macrozoobenthos in saline rivers in the Lake Elton basin: Spatial and temporal dynamics
Zinchenko T., Golovatyuk L., Abrosimova E., Popchenko T.
Structural and Quantitative Features of Phytoperiphyton Communities in Watercourses of the Zeya River Basin, Amur Oblast
Medvedeva L., Semenchenko A.
Effect of the vital activity products of beaver (Castor fiber L.) on the formation of zooplankton structure: Changes in the quantitative parameters of two cladocera species of different sizes in a beaver pound (in situ experiment)
Shevchenko N., Chalova I., Tselmovich O., Romanenko A., Sakharova E., Krylov A.
Density of the Fish Population in River Channel Parts of the Ivankovo Reservoir in 2012–2015
Solomatin Y., Bazarov M.
On the optimal number of samples for quantitative estimates of macrozoobenthos in the site of a water body
Bezmaternykh V., Shcherbina G.
Changes in the Structure of Macrozoobenthos in the Rybinsk Reservoir under Conditions of Rising Temperature
Perova S.
Diurnal Dynamics of Activity of Peptidases at Early Ontogenesis of Bleak Alburnus alburnus (L.) from Coastal Shallows of the Rybinsk Reservoir
Stolbunov I., Kuzmina V.
Hydroacoustic studies of pelagic ichthyocenosis in Lake Vistytis in Kaliningrad oblast
Aldushin A., Shibaev S.
New Species of Bottom Macroinvertebrates for the Fauna of Kalmykia
Shcherbina G., Nikitenko E.
Initial Stage of Macrozoobenthos Formation in Reservoirs of Western Mongolia
Prokin A.
Changes in autumn zooplankton in the pelagic zone of Lake Sevan (Armenia) during the increase in fish abundance
Krylov A., Hayrapetyan A., Bolotov S., Gerasimov Y., Malin M., Kosolapov D., Hovsepyan A.
Spatial Inhomogeneity of Zoobenthos and Zooperiphyton in Oxbow Lakes (Western Siberia)
Sharapova T., Babushkin E.
Diaphanosoma mongolianum Ueno, 1938 (Cladocera: Sididae) in Lakes of Yaroslavl Oblast (Russia)
Zhdanova S.
The specific rate of the population dynamics of the black-striped pipefish Sygnathus nigrolineatus Eichwald, 1831 in the Kremenchug and Dneprodzerzhinsk reservoirs at different phases of the naturalization of the species
Khrystenko D., Kotovska G., Tereshchenko L., Tereshchenko V.
Interannual Changes in the Quantitative Parameters and Structure of Invertebrates in the Littoral and Pelagic Zones of Lake Sevan (Armenia) with Fluctuations in Meteorological Conditions and Fish Biomass. II. Autumn Zooplankton
Krylov A., Hayrapetyan A., Tsvetkov A., Gerasimov Y., Malin M., Gabrielyan B.
Phytoplankton in Water Objects of the Vychegda River Basin
Patova E., Stenina A., Sterlyagova I., Ryabova E.
Changes in the structural parameters of the summer zooplankton in the pelagic zone of Lake Sevan (Armenia) during an increase in fish abundance and biomass
Krylov A., Hayrapetyan A., Gerasimov Y., Malin M.
Effect of Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) (Mollusca, Dreissenidae) and Perch Perca fluviatilis (L.) (Pisces, Perciidae) of Different Age Groups on the Structure and Main Characteristics of Macrozoobenthos in Experimental Mesocosms
Shcherbina G., Bezmaternykh V.
Assessment of Possible Causes of Changes in Аbundance and Sexual Structure in Populations of Prussian Carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch., 1783)
Gerasimov Y., Smirnov A., Kodukhova Y.
1 - 20 из 20 результатов
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