Inductive Limits for Systems of Toeplitz Algebras



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By the Toeplitz algebra we mean the reduced semigroup C*-algebra for the additive semigroup of non-negative integers. This article deals with inductive systems of Toeplitz algebras over arbitrary directed sets. For such a system the family of its connecting injective *-homomorphisms is defined by a set of natural numbers satisfying a factorization property. The motivation for the study of those inductive systems comes from our previous work on the inductive sequences of Toeplitz algebras defined by sequences of numbers and the limit automorphisms for the inductive limits of such sequences. We show that there exists an isomorphism in the category of unital C*-algebras and unital *-homomorphisms between the inductive limit of an inductive system of Toeplitz algebras over a directed set defined by a set of natural numbers and a reduced semigroup C*-algebra for a semigroup in the group of all rational numbers. The inductive systems of Toeplitz algebras over arbitrary partially ordered sets defined by sets of natural numbers are also studied.


R. Gumerov

Department of Mathematical Analysis, Lobachevskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

俄罗斯联邦, Kazan, 420008

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