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Vol 39, No 3 (2018)


Bayesian Estimation Using (Linex) for Generalized Power Function Distribution

Al Mutairi A.O.


This paper introduced the Bayesian estimation when the loss function is a linear exponential (LINEX) for shape parameters from a generalized power function distribution. A numerical application is used to prove the accuracy of this method by comparing it with other non-Bayesian methods of estimation as the maximum likelihood.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):297-303
pages 297-303 views

On General Properties of Non-Commutative Operator Graphs

Amosov G.G.


In this paper we study the general properties of non-commutative operator graphs. The problem of the existence of quantum anticliques is considered. The covariant property for the resolution of the identity which generates the graph is investigated.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):304-308
pages 304-308 views

Effective Signal Extraction Via Local Polynomial Approximation Under Long-Range Dependency Conditions

Artemov A.V.


We study the signal extraction problemwhere a smooth signal is to be estimated against a long-range dependent noise. We consider an approach employing local estimates and derive a theoretically optimal (maximum likelihood) filter for a polynomial signal. On its basis, we propose a practical signal extraction algorithm and adapt it to the extraction of quasi-seasonal signals. We further study the performance of the proposed signal extraction scheme in comparison with conventional methods using the numerical analysis and real-world datasets.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):309-320
pages 309-320 views

Poisson Limits for Sequential Multivariate Multinomial Data

Bae T., Kulperger R.


A well known result in probability is the Poisson limit for rare independent Bernoulli trials. The asymptotic result also holds for a multinomial setting where events are dependent. An interesting data type is a survival process in which one observes many individuals over time periods. The risk set is all those available at the beginning of each time period, thus the same individual can appear in successive risk sets. Individuals exit rarely. In our motivating example these are corporations who exit a public trading system by default or merger, so there are several exit types, hence the multinomial setting. There are also covariates available at the beginning of each period. We study the numbers of exits over time. Under rare multinomial conditions we show that the exits types converge to independent Poisson laws with respect to the exit types and also with respect to time. An immediate application is the construction of one step ahead predictions which may then be tabulated or plotted, giving a convenient tool to study themodel behaviour with respect to time. Thus one can obtain one step ahead prediction intervals for the number of exits of each type, in our case bankruptcy or merger. This is a tool that is useful for large institutional investors such as pension plans.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):321-330
pages 321-330 views

Relative Weak Compactness of Sums of Random Variables

Golikova N.N., Kruglov V.M.


In this article sufficient conditions for relative weak compactness of sums centered by constants of pair-wise negatively associated randomvariables and for sums of squares of any random variables centered by their medians are given. These conditions become necessary and sufficient if random variables are independent. The conditions are inspired by classical conditions for weak convergence of sums of uniformly small random variables.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):331-339
pages 331-339 views

Choquet Order and Jordan Maps

Hamhalter J., Turilova E.
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):340-347
pages 340-347 views

On the Discounted Kth Moment of the Deficit at Ruin in the Delayed Renewal Risk Model

Kim S., Ko B.


In this paper, we derive a very general expression for the discounted kth moment of the deficit at ruin in the delayed renewal risk model. The formula would yield some of the earlier relevant results as special cases, and reduce to a mathematically tractable form if the distributions for claim sizes and interclaim times are of exponential variants including a mixture of Erlang distributions. We provide numerical examples with an emphasis on the impact of the time until the first claim on the kth moment of the deficit at ruin.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):348-354
pages 348-354 views

Firefly Algorithm for Supply Chain Optimization

Elkhechafi M., Benmamoun Z., Hachimi H., Amine A., Elkettani Y.


The firefly algorithm is one of the best latest bio-inspired algorithms, which proved its performance in solving continuous and discrete optimization problems. This paper presents a more detailed comparison study using a set of test functions. The main goal is the application of Firefly algorithm (FA) to solve Lot size optimization in supply chain management which is the most complex part of stock management process. A complexity that comes from the conflict between the minimization of the costs and the maximization of the level of service. For these reason, the traditional methods of lot size control have to deal with the explosion of new needs related to supply chain evolution. The optimal solutions obtained by FA are far better than the best solutions obtained by deterministic methods analyzed in the literature.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):355-367
pages 355-367 views

Locally Most Powerful Group-Sequential Tests with Groups of Observations of Random Size: Finite Horizon

Novikov A., Novikov P.


We consider sequential hypothesis testing based on observations which are received in groups of random size. The observations are supposed independent both within and between the groups, with a distribution depending on a real-valued parameter θ. We suppose that the group sizes are independent and their distributions are known, and that the groups are formed independently from the observations. We are concerned with a problem of testing a simple hypothesis H0: θ = θ0 against a composite alternative H1: θ > θ0, supposing that no more than a given number of groups will be available (finite horizon). For any (group-)sequential test, we take into account the following three characteristics: its error probability of the first type, the derivative of its power function at θ = θ0, and the average cost of observations, under some natural assumptions about the cost structure. Under suitable regularity conditions, we characterize the structure of all sequential tests maximizing the derivative of the power function among all (finite-horizon) sequential tests whose error probability of the first type and the average cost of observations do not exceed some prescribed levels.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):368-376
pages 368-376 views

Estimation of the Mean Value for the Normal Distribution with Constraints on d-Risk

Salimov R.F., Yang S., Turilova E.A., Volodin I.N.


We consider the problem of an estimation of the mean value of the normal distribution with a prior information that this parameter is positive and very small. The prior information is implemented in terms of the exponential prior distribution. The estimation procedures are constructed for two cases: fixed sample size and sequential estimation that guarantee the given constraints on the precision and the d-risk of the estimator. An analytical review of the comprehensive literature for the problems of guaranteed statistical inference (d-risk and pFDR) is provided. For the practical applications of the proposed estimators with the unknown value of the prior distribution parameter, we solve the problem of choosing this parameter in the framework of empirical (parametric) Bayesian approach or in the framework of existing State Standards on the precision and output quality of the estimated parameter. As an implementation of the proposed statistical procedures, the problem of estimation of the chemical element of arsenic (As) in a food product is considered. The model parameters are chosen according to the State Standards for carrying out a laboratory tests for As detection. For the chosen values of the parameters, the probability of stopping for the experiment is estimated for each step by the method of statistical simulations. The histogram of the Bayesian estimate for the As content is presented.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):377-387
pages 377-387 views

Confidence Bounds and Narrowest Reliable Intervals in D-Posterior Approach

Simushkin S.V.


Several new methods of confidence and of asymptotically confidence limits in the dposterior approach is proposed. For the so-called reliable two-sided intervals, close in construction to Bayesian intervals, the method of constructing the narrowest intervals is given.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):388-397
pages 388-397 views

A Dirichlet Regression Model for Compositional Data with Zeros

Tsagris M., Stewart C.


Compositional data are met in many different fields, such as economics, archaeometry, ecology, geology and political sciences. Regression where the dependent variable is a composition is usually carried out via a log-ratio transformation of the composition or via the Dirichlet distribution. However, when there are zero values in the data these two ways are not readily applicable. Suggestions for this problem exist, but most of them rely on substituting the zero values. In this paper we adjust the Dirichlet distribution when covariates are present, in order to allow for zero values to be present in the data, without modifying any values. To do so, we modify the log-likelihood of the Dirichlet distribution to account for zero values. Examples and simulation studies exhibit the performance of the zero adjusted Dirichlet regression.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):398-412
pages 398-412 views

Asymptotic Expansion of D-Risks for Hypothesis Testing in Bernoulli Scheme

Zaikin A.A.


Currently there is not a single asymptotic expansion of d-risk of any statistical procedure. In this paper we present the asymptotic expansion of d-risk function of the optimal test for Bernoulli scheme. The expansion derivation is based on the Edgeworth series of the sufficient statistic for Bernoulli scheme and therefore it is applicable to any one-parametric exponential model.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):413-423
pages 413-423 views

The ARIMA(p,d,q) on Upper Sided of CUSUM Procedure

Zhang L., Busababodhin P.


In this paper we derive explicit formula for the average run length (ARL) of Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) control chart of autoregressive integrated moving average ARIMA(p,d,q) process observations with exponential white noise. The explicit formula are derived and the numerical integrations algorithm is developed for comparing the accuracy. We derived the explicit formula for ARL by using the Integral equations (IE) which is based on Fredholm integral equation. Then we proof the existence and uniqueness of the solution by using the Banach’s fixed point theorem. For comparing the accuracy of the explicit formulas, the numerical integration (NI) is given by using the Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule. Finally, we compare numerical results obtained from the explicit formula for the ARL of ARIMA(1,1,1) processes with results obtained from NI. The results show that the ARL from explicit formula is close to the numerical integration with an absolute percentage difference less than 0.3% with m = 800 nodes. In addition, the computational time of the explicit formula are efficiently smaller compared with NI.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):424-432
pages 424-432 views

Transformation of Irregular Solid Spherical Harmonics with Parallel Translation of the Coordinate System

Aganin A.A., Davletshin A.I.


Solid spherical harmonics and spherical functions are widely used for studying physical phenomena in spatial domains bounded by spherical or nearly-spherical surfaces. In this case, it is frequently needed to transform these functions with a parallel translation of the coordinate system. Specifically, this scenario arises in describing the hydrodynamic interaction of spherical or weakly-nonspherical gas bubbles in the unbounded volume of an incompressible fluid. In the two-dimensional (axisymmetric) case, when Legendre polynomials act as spherical functions, the transformation can be conducted with a well-known compact expression. In the three-dimensional case, similar well-known expressions are rather complex (for example, the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients are used in these expressions), which makes their use difficult. This paper describes a derivation of such an expression that naturally leads to a compact form of the respective coefficients. Actually, these coefficients are a generalization to the three-dimensional case of similar well-known coefficients in the two-dimensional (axisymmetric) case.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):433-438
pages 433-438 views

Formation of the Guillotine Cutting Card of a Sheet by Guillotine Layout Functions

Andrianova A.A., Mukhtarova T.M., Fazylov V.R.


An extension of the concept of the guillotine layout function has been proposed for solving the problem of rectangular orthogonal packing; this extension is a function that assigns a triple of values to the sheet width. In addition to the standard effect for the guillotine layout function (the sheet with a given width has a minimum length), which is sufficient to arrange a given set of rectangles in a guillotine manner, two additional values have been used. They describe the method of cutting this sheet to uniquely form a guillotine cutting card and a guillotine layout card of the set of rectangles. These data involve the characteristics of the first cut of the sheet as well as the partition of the set of rectangles corresponding to the cut into two subsets, which is uniquely determined by the number of one of these subsets. The description of the first cut is modeled by a single numerical value that reflects both the size of the offset from the lower-left corner of the sheet and the orientation of the cut: a cut is required along or transverse of the sheet. It has been shown that this information is sufficient for the recovery of the guillotine cutting card and the guillotine layout card for a set of rectangles. Modifications of the algorithms for calculating the sum of two right-semicontinuous monotonically nonincreasing step functions with a finite number of steps and the minimum of two functions of this type have been proposed to determine additional information about the first cut and calculate the extension of the guillotine layout function. Also, an algorithm for the formation of a guillotine cutting card and a guillotine layout card for rectangles has been proposed that uses the calculated extensions of guillotine layout functions for all subsets of the required set of rectangles.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):439-447
pages 439-447 views

Geometrically Nonlinear Problem of Longitudinal and Transverse Bending of a Sandwich Plate with Transversally Soft Core

Badriev I.B., Makarov M.V., Paimushin V.N.


The stress-strain state of sandwich plates with a transversally soft core is determined in one-dimensional geometrically nonlinear formulation. It is supposed that the edges of carrier layers in the right end section are rigidly clamped and the core is not adhesively bound with the support element. The edges of carrier layers in the left end section are assumed to be hinged on diaphragms that are absolutely rigid in the transverse direction, glued to the end section of the core. A load is applied to the median surface of the first carrier layer from the left end section. On the basis of the generalized Lagrange principle, the general statement is formulated as an operator equation in the Sobolev space. The operator is shown to be pseudo-monotonic and coercive. This makes it possible to prove a theorem that there exists a solution. A two-layer iterative method is proposed for solving the problem. The convergence of the method is examined using the additional properties of the operator (i.e., quasi-potentiality and bounded Lipschitz continuity). The iteration parameter variation limits ensuring the method convergence are found. A software package has been developed to conduct numerical experiments for the problem of longitudinal–transverse bending of a sandwich plate. Tabulation is performed with respect to both longitudinal and transverse loads. The results indicate that in terms of weight sophistication and for the given form of loading, the sandwich plate of an asymmetric structure with unequal thicknesses of carrier layers is the most rational and equally stressed plate.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):448-457
pages 448-457 views

On Automorphisms of a Distance-Regular Graph with Intersection Array {125, 96, 1; 1, 48, 125}

Bitkina V.V., Makhnev A.A.


J. Koolen posed the problem of studying distance-regular graphs in which the neighborhoods of vertices are strongly regular graphs whose second eigenvalue is at most t for a given positive integer t. This problem is reduced to the description of distance-regular graphs in which the neighborhoods of vertices are strongly regular graphs with a nonprincipal eigenvalue t for t = 1, 2,.... In the paper “Distance regular graphs in which local subgraphs are strongly regular graphs with the second eigenvalue at most 3”, Makhnev and Paduchikh found intersection arrays of distance-regular graphs in which the neighborhoods of vertices are strongly regular graphs with second eigenvalue t, where 2 < t ≤ 3. Graphs with intersection arrays {125, 96, 1; 1, 48, 125}, {176, 150, 1; 1, 25, 176}, and {256, 204, 1; 1, 51, 256} remained unexplored. In this paper, possible orders and fixed-point subgraphs of automorphisms are found for a distance-regular graph with intersection array {125, 96, 1; 1, 48, 125}. It is proved that the neighborhoods of the vertices of this graph are pseudogeometric graphs for GQ(4, 6). Composition factors of the automorphism group for a distance-regular graph with intersection array {125, 96, 1; 1, 48, 125} are determined.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):458-463
pages 458-463 views

Normal Coordinates in Affine Geometry

Katanaev M.O.


Manifolds endowed with an affine geometry of general type with nontrivial metric, torsion, and nonmetricity tensor are considered. Such manifolds have recently attracted much attention due to the construction of generalized gravity models. Under the assumption that all geometric objects are real analytic functions, normal coordinates in a neighborhood of an arbitrary point are constructed by expanding the connection and the metric in Taylor series. It is shown that the normal coordinates are a generalization of a Cartesian coordinate system in Euclidean space to the case of manifolds with any affine geometry. Moreover, the components of any real analytic tensor field in a neighborhood of any given point are represented in the form of a power series whose coefficients are constructed from the covariant derivatives and the curvature and torsion tensors evaluated at this point. For constant curvature spaces, these series are explicitly summed, and an expression for the metric in normal coordinates is found. It is shown that normal coordinates determine a smooth surjective mapping of Euclidean space to a constant curvature manifold. The equations for extremals are explicitly integrated in normal coordinates for constant curvature spaces. A relationship between normal coordinates and the exponential mapping is analyzed.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2018;39(3):464-476
pages 464-476 views

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