Volume 20, Nº 3 (2023)


Edição completa


Telemedicine technologies and remote electrocardiographic monitoring. Reality and prospects. Functionalist perspective. Part 1

Prom A., Ivanenko V., Ilyukhin O.


The article presents the methods and their options of telemedicine and remote electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring. The purpose of the work is to acquaint general practitioners, functional diagnostics physicians and healthcare organizers with the prospects and possible difficulties in introducing digital technologies into everyday practice. The state of the problem today in the world and in our country is shown. The review is made in two parts. In the first part, general methods of remote monitoring of indicators of the human body are described. In the second part, the remote transmission of the cardiogram, the possibilities and prospects of remote ECG monitoring are presented.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):3-8
pages 3-8 views

Review Articles

The condition of the oral mucosa and salivary glands against the background of systemic diseases

Kotionova-Ovod I., Simanovskaya O., Postnikov M., Mokshin A.


The purpose of this article is to give a brief overview of the manifestations in the oral cavity of systemic diseases in patients, such as diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, iron deficiency anemia, based on domestic and foreign literature data for the last 10 years. The review will focus on diseases affecting the oral mucosa and salivary glands, since these tissues are of the greatest interest to practicing dentists of all profiles. Pathological processes that occur in the human body due to systemic diseases are often manifested through changes in the mucous membrane or organs of the oral cavity and in most cases are the first clinical signs of metabolic disorders, especially in diseases of the digestive, endocrine, hematopoietic systems. The degree of manifestation of somatic pathologies in the oral cavity is directly dependent on the severity of the disease, since the physiological processes in the body acquire a pathological character. This article will be useful for practicing dentists of all specialties, for the formation of clinical thinking.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):9-15
pages 9-15 views

High-sensitivity C-reactive protein as a predictor, indicator of severity and prognostic indicator of chronic heart failure

Tokmachev R., Kravchenko A., Fedortsov A., Pugacheva E., Kuslivaya A., Malyutin A., Malyutina V.


Cardio vascular diseases (CVD) are one of the most serious problems of modern medicine both throughout the world and in the Russian Federation, due to their high prevalence and high risk of death. A signif-icant contribution to the rates of hospitalization and mortality from cardiovascular diseases is made by chronic heart failure (CHF), which is a severe pathology. The key strategic direction to reduce mortality from CHF and increase life expectancy of the population is the search for methods aimed at prevention and early detection of heart failure. This literature review summarizes research data on the relationship between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and various aspects of cardiovascular events (CVS) (risk of development, severity of the condition, disease prognosis), in particular chronic heart failure. The authors of the article carried out a de-scriptive synthesis of the literature to present the main characteristics of the studied biomarker, including the purpose of the measurement, the relationship with other risk factors (RF), laboratory and instrumental indicators; categories of patients for whom it is the most informative. The study was able to analyze 25 literature sources for the availability of information showing the effect of hs-CRP values in the blood of patients on the course of CVD. A threshold concentration of this biomarker (>3 mg/l) was established, which is associated with an increased risk of developing CHF, while the severity of its course directly correlated with the degree of CRP increase, as well as the risk of its progression and death from this disease (complications).

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders of heart in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a study of the state of the problem

Statsenko M., Ustinova M., Sviridenko O., Tumarenko A., Sergeev V., Streltsova A., Sviridenko A.


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is associated with an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias and cardiac conduction disorders, especially in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). The association between NAFLD and an increased risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) does not depend on common cardiometabolic risk factors and traditional AF risk factors. Structural, electrical and vegetative remodeling of the heart, characteristic of NAFLD, is a potential cause of its arrhythmogenic damage.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):22-30
pages 22-30 views

Histological significance of various types of adipose tissue (literature review)

Sirak A., Grigorova A., Pashneva E., Zheurova M., Dolgashova M., Piskareva E., Arutyunova A., Lyubanskaya O.


The article presents the most significant modern aspects in the study of morphofunctional properties of various types of adipose tissue currently known (white, brown, beige).

The purpose of the work is to generalize and expand knowledge about morphofunctional features in the structure and origin of each type.

Material and methods: The analysis of data taken from 50 literary sources and the most popular scientific citation search engines of the Russian and foreign platforms (RSCI, PubMed, Web of Science) was carried out.

Results: Studies of adipose tissue are mainly devoted to the development of metabolic syndrome, adaptation of the body to low temperature, physical exertion, regulation of thermogenesis. However, the role of each type of adipose tissue and the study of its morphofunctional changes in tissue repair require a special research approach.

Conclusion: The study of secreted adiponectins as growth factors opens up new links in the regeneration and regulation of the activity of epithelial stem cells, the rate of progression of the hair growth cycle, wound regeneration and in the regulation of hematopoiesis. The study of various types of adipose tissue is a promising direction that allows us to further deepen knowledge about the pathophysiological mechanisms of metabolic syndrome.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):31-36
pages 31-36 views

Original Researches

Endogenous conditioning of a person’s propensity for risky behavior

Nazarov N., Shatyr Y., Ulesikova I., Doletsky A., Buntovskaya A., Trandina A., Mulik A.


The aim of the work was to identify factors of genetic and phenotypic conditionality of a persons propensity for risky behavior. The study involved 300 people, men and women aged 18–25, residents of 6 regions of the Russian Federation. Psychological status of the study participants by evaluating the indicators of the Freiburg multifactorial personality questionnaire, character accentuations, suggestibility, frustration, irritability and resentment, adventurousness, behavior and social activity. The functional status was assessed by the level of general non-specific reactivity of the organism. Genetic research was carried out by PCR. Investigate the genotypes of polymorphisms rs6923492 (GRM1), rs6280 (DRD3), rs1851048 (CACNA2D3), rs2562456 (ZNF). As a result of the study, the systematic organization of genetic and phenotypic mechanisms for the formation of a person’s propensity for risky behavior is substantiated. As a result of the performed studies, the systematic organization of genetic and phenotypic mechanisms of the individual formation of a person’s propensity for risky behavior is substantiated. The predisposition to risk behavior in men and women is due to the SNP rs1851048 (CACNA2D3), as well as increased levels of irritability, neuroticism, reactive aggressiveness, emotional lability, resentment, and the severity of cardiotype A.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):37-44
pages 37-44 views

The main aspects of the diagnosis of dry eye syndrome in refractive patients

Mushkova I., Karimova A., Obraztsova M.


A comprehensive assessment of the condition of the ocular surface was carried out in patients planning keratorefractive surgery using FemtoLASIK technology (30 eyes) and refractive lenticular extraction technology (30 eyes) with initially no subjective signs of dry eye syndrome. A comprehensive diagnostic approach to assessing the condition of the ocular surface, based on subjective and objective data, forms a holistic view of the homeostasis of the ocular surface in refractive profile patients, which will subsequently determine the choice of optimal laser vision correction technology, the tactics of patient administration and the features’s course of the postoperative period.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):45-49
pages 45-49 views

Experience in the management of patients with cataract-associated glaucoma

Jashi B., Balalin S.


The results of 269 cases of performing of cataract phacoemulsification with IOL implantation (PHACO) and microinvasive nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy (MNPDS) at various stages have been analyzed. The main group included patients who underwent PHACO, followed by MNPDS – 64 persons, 65 eyes. The group was divided into a subgroup based on the date of the second intervention. 1 subgroup – patients who underwent MNPDS 1 month after PHACO (30 cases); 2 subgroup – 3 months after PHACO (35 cases). The control group included patients who underwent MNPDS followed by PHACO – 196 persons, 204 eyes. Patients of the main group showed a significant decrease in intraocular pressure after each stage of treatment. in the control group, intraocular pressure decreased after the first stage of treatment, but increased 6 months after surgery. In primary open-angle glaucoma associated with cataract, the most persistent hypotensive effect is observed when the first stage of cataract phacoemulsification is performed, and the second stage is antiglaucoma surgical intervention.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):50-55
pages 50-55 views

Intraoperative prevention of postoperative ammetropies by intrastromal ring implantation

Izmailova S., Suchkova V., Taevere M., Zimina M., Harutyunyan L.


The experiment was carried out on 6 isolated donor (cadaver) eyes, penetrating keratoplasty was performed with intrastromal ring implantation according to the proposed method.When modeling the technology we proposed, we obtained patterns identical to those given, we observed a complete cut of the cornea without the formation of tissue bridges and adhesions. The developed new femtosecond laser cutting patterns made it possible to implant the intrastromal ring into the residual corneal stroma of the recipient without the need for additional fixation.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):62-66
pages 62-66 views

Influence of energy parameters of a femtosecond laser on the formation of an opaque bubble layer during lenticular correction of myopia

Boyko E., Titov A., Mirsaitova D.


193 patients with myopia of varying degrees were examined and treated. The leading factors for the appearance of an opaque bubble layer (OBL) during myopia correction using the SMILE technology were identified: femtosecond laser energy, the spherical component and the central thickness of the cornea. A formula has been developed for calculating the probability of occurrence of OBL, which makes it possible to reduce and predict the incidence of this intraoperative complication.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):56-61
pages 56-61 views

Features of diagnosis and treatment of patients with unilateral retention of the second premolar

Shkarin V., Dmitrienko D., Fomin I., Dmitrienko T.


Treatment of patients with dental retention is an urgent task of orthodontics.

Aim: Determine the features of the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of patients with unilateral retention of the second premolar due to premature removal of milk molars.

Material and methods: 19 patients aged 14 to 19 years were examined and treated with unilateral retention of the second premolars after obtaining informed consent approved by the Ethics Committee. Methods of clinical examination generally accepted in dentistry with the analysis of anamnestic, radiological, biometric data were carried out. Biometrics of plaster models with asymmetrical arc shape was carried out on scaled (1:1) photographs with the application of the main landmarks on them.

Results: Unilateral retention of the second premolar, due to premature removal of the second milk molar, as a rule, contributes to the formation of asymmetric dental arches with a deviation of their main parameters from the individual norm. The change in diagonal dimensions is due to the displacement of the canines and the first molars towards the defect. At the same time, on the side of the impacted tooth, there is a violation of the closure of pairs of antagonist teeth and a shift in the line of the aesthetic center by an average of (2.38 ± 0.61) mm. The stages of treatment include, firstly, the creation of conditions for the eruption of the impacted tooth with the subsequent restoration of occlusive balance.

Conclusion: Thus, the results of the study give us the basis for choosing methods for the diagnosis and treatment of asymmetric forms of dental arches caused by the retention of second premolars, which can be used in clinical orthodontics.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):67-72
pages 67-72 views

Clinical analysis of the results of recessions elimination using tunnel technology

Yarygina E., Afanasyeva O., Kriventsev A., Sidoruk A.


In modern plastic surgery of soft tissues of the oral cavity, there is a wide variety of ways to close recessions of the gingival margin and increase the keratinized gum zone, but only a few of them give a well-predicted and effective result. So, one of the most popular techniques is the tunneling technique using a de-epithelized free gingival graft. The prevalence of this method is primarily due to its minimally invasive nature, which allows for accelerated regeneration of the gingival margin and reduces the likelihood of postoperative complications. The analysis of 20 clinical cases of closure of recessions of the gingival margin of the teeth on the upper and lower jaws according to the Miller classification of class I and II, subclasses A and B and the Francesco Cairo classification – type 1 and type 2 with the use of tunnel technology according to Zuhr. The high efficiency of this method of closing recessions has been revealed, including in terms of achieving an optimal long-term forecast and aesthetic result.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):73-75
pages 73-75 views

Immunocorrecting therapy in patients with odontogenous phlegmon of the maxillofacial region

Serbin A., Maksyutin I., Mukhaev H., Martynov A., Chernov V., Zlenko A.


The article is devoted to the problem of increasing the effectiveness of complex treatment of odontogenic phlegmon of the maxillofacial region in patients of older age groups. The results of clinical, immunological examination and treatment of 86 elderly and senile patients with odontogenic phlegmon of the maxillofacial region are presented. Revealed secondary depression of links of general and local immunity. It has been shown that the inclusion of the polyoxidonium immunomodulator in the traditional treatment regimen for this pathology allows one to accelerate the normalization of immune status indicators, increase treatment efficiency, and reduce the length of hospital stay of patients.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):76-80
pages 76-80 views

Clinical and cytological assessment of the periodontal condition in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis in preparation for prosthodontic treatment

Firsova I., Alehanova I., Krainov S., Popova A., Myasoedova K., Marimova E.


Literature data and own observations indicate that the risk of periodontal complications at various stages of dental prosthetics is associated with the clinical and functional state of the periodontal complex. After basic therapy in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP), an analysis of the clinical and morphofunctional state of the periodontium was performed. Cell differentiation index (CDI) and inflammatory-destructive (VDI) index, as well as the degree of microbial contamination (CIGP) were determined. The clinical condition of the periodontium of patients was assessed using periodontal and hygienic indices. The results of monitoring (3, 7, 14 and 21 days after surgical debridement of periodontal pockets) showed that the relief of the inflammatory process in the periodontium is observed as early as 14 days, according to the PMA – 10,3 ± 1,2 index (p2 < 0,05). The data of a cytological study of smears-imprints of the marginal epithelium of the periodontium indicate that the stabilization of inflammation and the reparative process in the integumentary epithelium becomes pronounced after 14 days, and the values of CDI (630,6 ± 1,1) and VDI (3,5 ± 1,2) reach the limits of the norm only by 21 days after curettage of periodontal pocket. Thus, in order to minimize the risk of periodontal complications, when planning the timing and scope of prosthodontic treatment for patients with CGP, it is recommended to use, among other things, a cytomorphological method that reflects an objective picture of the periodontal condition

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):81-85
pages 81-85 views

Influence of complex cardio-respiratory recovery therapy on the efficiency of rehabilitation and quality of life on hypertensive patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of dust etiology

Ignatenko G., Mukhin I., Sochilin A., Golchenko V.


The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of two rehabilitation regimens on the effectiveness and quality of life in hypertensive patients with dusty chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The study included 73 hypertensive patients (all men) with dust COPD. Patients of group 1 (n = 38) received only the basic cardio-respiratory complex of rehabilitation measures, and the representatives of group 2 (n = 35) received sessions of interval normobaric hypoxic therapy (INBHT) in addition to the basic complex. The control group included 40 practically healthy men of the same age. The basic program included a set of methods: electrosleep, magnetotherapy, sinus module currents, diadynamic currents, franklinization, darsonvalization, laser therapy, electrophoresis, kinesitherapy, massage, reflexotherapy. For INBHT, daily 15-day sessions were used in the «Bio-Nova 204AF» installation (manufactured by the Scientific and Technical Association Bio-Nova, Moscow, Russia). Statistical data processing was carried out using the software package for statistical analysis Statistica 6.0. The result of a comprehensive cardio-respiratory rehabilitation program was an increase in the effectiveness of restorative measures and an improvement in quality of life indicators, which was achieved through the synergistic effect of traditional approaches with INBHT sessions. Such a comprehensive program had a more pronounced beneficial effect on both the course of hypertensive and respiratory syndromes. The proposed rehabilitation approach can further improve the effectiveness of restorative measures (by 13.1 % increase the frequency of positive results), increase the frequency of reaching the target level of blood pressure by 9.7 %, reduce the frequency of complicated and 7.9 % uncomplicated hypertensive cases by 4.1 %. Crises, improve bronchial patency and diffusion capacity of the lungs, partially restore the complex of psychological, social and pain parameters of the quality of life.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):86-93
pages 86-93 views

Clinical features of recurrent bronchitis in children with persistent herpes virus infections

Kasymova E., Yengibaryan K., Arsanova K., Sirotenk V.


A special place is given to the priority areas in pediatrics to improve the basics of medical supervision of patients with recurrent bronchopulmonary pathology, in particular recurrent bronchitis. Among the reasons that often determine the onset of the disease, its subsequent course, and sometimes the outcome, an important role is given to infection, including herpesvirus.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):94-97
pages 94-97 views

Algorithm for the diagnosis of complicated tumors of the small intestine

Fetisov N., Maskin S., Korovin A., Popandopulo K., Matyukhin V.


Tumors of the small intestine account for up to 5 % of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract; preoperative diagnosis of complicated tumors of the small intestine is one of the most difficult problems in surgery. Based on a retrospective study of the results of examination and treatment of 101 patients, an analysis of the clinical and pathomorphological manifestations of complicated tumors of the small intestine was carried out, a list of necessary diagnostic measures was determined with an assessment of their diagnostic capabilities, which allowed to increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):98-104
pages 98-104 views

Modified ligation method fistular tract in the interspinctern space for transfincteral pararectal fistulas

Maskin S., Shiryaev A., Perov Y., Khomochkin V.


Background: The operation of ligation of the fistulous tract in the intersphincter space (LIFT) is widely used in the world for transsphincter pararectal fistulas (TSPF). However, the frequency of fistula recurrence still cannot satisfy coloproctologists and dictates the need to modify the LIFT operation method in order to increase its reliability and safety.

The aim: To present the modified LIFT technique and the results of its clinical application in the treatment of TSPF.

Materials and methods: The LIFT operation modified by us (RF Patent No. 2686949) was performed in 40 patients with TSPF. The outcomes of the operation were evaluated according to the frequency of complications and recurrences of the fistula.

Results: A distinctive feature of the developed modification of the LIFT operation method is the maximum elimination of the possibility of developing a "complete" recurrence of the fistula, since even if the bandaged and removed through the skin incision in the projection of the intersphincteric groove of the proximal stump of the fistulous tract, only a "small" recurrence can form, which is not dangerous and easy eliminate. All 40 patients did not have "complete" relapses within 9 to 18 months; "Small" recurrences in the posterior localization of fistulas developed in 2 (5 %) patients, in whom the fistula was dissected into the lumen of the rectum at the second stage, recovery occurred.

Conclusions: The modification of the LIFT operation method proposed by us is a reproducible, accessible to coloproctologists, a safe and effective method of operation. Having a sphincter-preserving character character, the modified LIFT method makes it possible to avoid a "complete" recurrence of a fistula with a high probability, and with a low frequency of a "small" recurrence of a fistula, it makes it possible to safely eliminate a "small" recurrence of a fistula at the second stage, even on an outpatient clinic.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):105-109
pages 105-109 views

Pharmacoeconomic analysis of costs for radiopaque agents and a method to minimize them

Petrov V., Kudasheva A.


The aim of the work is to minimize the costs of a multidisciplinary hospital in the city of Volgograd for radiopaque substances.

Materials and research methods: In the first part, the costs of the hospital for the purchase of x-ray contrast medications were studied and the average cost of direct costs for radiopaque agents for one coronary angiography procedure was determined. In the second part, a comparative analysis of the cost of radiopaque agents presented on the Russian market was carried out on the basis of the State Register of Selling Prices.

Results of the study and their discussion: A retrospective analysis of 147 case histories of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention showed that the average volume of radiopaque drug during coronary angiography was (126.19 ± 36.35) ml. In 66 (44.9 %) patients, more than 100 ml was used per procedure. For one coronary angiography procedure, on average (126 ml of contrast), 1927.8 rubles were spent for a radiopaque preparation. Among the radiopaque drugs recommended for coronary angiography, according to the state register of maximum ex-works prices, Iohexol preparations 350 mg/ml of Russian production had the lowest cost.

Conclusions: Procurement of domestic preparations Iohexol 350 mg/ml, 100 ml bottles will reduce the cost of percutaneous coronary intervention.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):110-113
pages 110-113 views

Structural and organometric changes of the uterus in conditions of dark deprivation

Kondakova L., Kalashnikova S.


The effect of 30-day dark deprivation (light-dark cycle 24/0 h, artificial illumination 300 Lux) and 14-day correction with melatonin on the endometrium of the uterus was studied in an experiment on mongrel females of 4 months of age. It was found that 30-day dark deprivation leads to hyperplastic processes of the endometrium: an increase in the number of uterine glands (by 18.9 % p < 0.05), thickening of the endometrium (by 12.5 %, p < 0.05). Morphometric characteristics of the endometrium: single-layer columnar epithelium of the endometrium and uterine glands were corrected by administration of exogenous melatonin for 14 days.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):114-117
pages 114-117 views

Influence of local administration of autologous platelet-rich plasma on the level of expression of matrix metalloproteinases in experimental tendinopathy

Malanin D., Laskov I., Ekova M., Rogova L., Grigorieva N., Povetkina V., Demeshchenko M., Voronina A.


Purpose: To evaluate the expression of matrix metalloproteinases in the calcaneal tendon tissue under conditions of experimental tendinopathy and under the influence of local administration of autologous platelet-rich plasma.

Material and methods: The study was conducted on 20 mature Wistar rats divided into 5 groups. In all groups, experimental modeling of tendinopathy of the calcaneal tendon was performed by intra- and near-tendon injection of 0.5 ml of a 10 % suspension of sterile talc. Further, autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP), hyaluronic acid preparation Rusvisk (Russia) or their sequential combination was injected into the area of tendinopathy. The results of the study were evaluated after 10 weeks; autopsy preparations prepared for immunohistochemical analysis were studied using light microscopy and morphometry.

Results: Histological signs characteristic of tendinopathy were identified: disorganization of collagen structures, mucoid and lipoid degeneration, neovascularization, lymphoid-histiocytic infiltration. Injection of PRP into the area of simulated tendinopathy, hyaluronic acid, or their sequential combination led to changes in the immunohistochemical pattern of the tissue. As a result, there was a decrease in the expression of immunoreactive material in the cytoplasm of tenocytes and cells of the inflammatory infiltrate, compared with the picture observed in micropreparations in animals with tendinopathy, which were not subjected to any manipulations.

Conclusion: The introduction of PRP into the area of the calcaneal tendon under conditions of experimental tendinopathy reduces the level of expression of matrix metalloproteinases and, thereby, preserves the structure of the tendon tissue, demonstrating tendoprotective properties.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):118-124
pages 118-124 views

Prevalence of vitamin D level disorders in therapeutic patients and features of their correction

Eliseeva L., Tikhomirova N., Zhdamarova O., Ershova S.


Objective: to study the prevalence of vitamin D level disorders in therapeutic patients and the features of their correction.

Materials and methods: 322 patients who applied for medical help in the field of therapy (rheumatology and cardiology) were examined. Methods: clinical, laboratory (study of the level of vitamin D in the blood), statistical.

Results: it was found that among patients with a therapeutic profile, vitamin D concentration disorders (deficiency and insufficiency) occur in 72,7 % of the surveyed. There is a high prevalence of risk factors for osteoporosis in the examined patients: female sex prevails (81 %), age – average age was (53,6 ± 14,3) years, drug use (50 % take proton pump inhibitors, 21,4 % take glucocorticoids). When comparing the proportion of people with impaired vitamin D levels in comparison with the data of previous years, there was a decrease in the proportion of people with vitamin D deficiency and an increase in the proportion of people with vitamin D deficiency. Among people with a vitamin D level of 30–100 ng/ml, daily use of vitamin D preparations in dosages exceeding the recommended consumption levels was noted.

Conclusion: based on the data obtained, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency remains high. However, recently there has been a trend towards a decrease in the proportion of people with vitamin D deficiency and an increase in the proportion of people with vitamin D deficiency. In this connection, it is necessary to inform the population about the recommended adequate levels of vitamin D in blood serum and safe dosages of vitamin D preparations for daily intake.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):125-131
pages 125-131 views

Community-acquired pneumonia. Current treatment regimens in pediatric practice

Berezhnova T., Chubarov T., Luneva E., Nesterova A., Yan K.


At the moment, an increase in the incidence of community-acquired pneumonia is quite an urgent problem. Its solution is based on the use of adequate antibacterial therapy, which will help significantly reduce the spread of the disease among children included in the risk group.

Goal: Conducting a comprehensive assessment of etiological therapy tactics for community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in children and determining their compliance with modern clinical recommendations.

Materials and methods: The study was conducted on the basis of the Voronezh Children’s Clinical Hospital of the Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko. A retrospective analysis of 18 case histories of patients aged 3 to 14 years who were treated from October 2021 to March 2022 with a diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia of moderate severity was carried out.

Results: During the analysis of the medical histories of children diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia, it was found that the diagnosis of the patient’s condition was complete and sufficient in each of the cases considered, with the exception of the absence of sputum in terms of bacteriological examination, because the treatment was more empirical in nature, directed against the frequently detected pathogen determining the formation of this nosological form – S. rpeimopiae.

Conclusion: As a result of a comprehensive assessment of the tactics of etiological therapy of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in children, it was revealed that effective antibiotic therapy was chosen for all patients in accordance with the severity of the disease and instructions for the use of antibacterial drugs, which led to the gradual elimination of clinical symptoms of community-acquired pneumonia.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):132-137
pages 132-137 views

Morphofunctional characteristic of the structural components of the lungs during inhalation introduction of lead phthalate

Sirac A., Piskareva E., Dolgashova M., Pashneva E., Lyubanskaya O., Magomedova O., Arutyunova A., Zheurova M.


The article presents the results of studies of structural changes in the lungs that occur during inhalation exposure to lead phthalate in an experiment on rats. The identified morphological disorders lead to the development of chronic inflammatory processes and indicate the toxicity, fibrinogenicity of lead phthalate and its ability to cause allergization of the body.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):138-142
pages 138-142 views

Individual variability of the dimensional characteristics of the cervical vertebrae in the applied aspect of developing neurosurgical interventions

Nikolenko V., Moshkin A., Khalilov M.


Modern methods make it possible to study the anatomical structures of the spine with a high degree of detail, which is in demand in neurosurgical practice when planning the most optimal surgical approaches or installing microsurgical stabilizing structures.

Aim: To identify the features of the variability of the size of the cervical spine bodies in the frontal plane during MRI examination.

Materials and methods: 105 magnetic resonance tomograms were studied, in three projections, morphometry of the cervical vertebral bodies and statistical analysis were carried out.

Results and discussion: Among women, the median widths of the C4, C5 vertebrae were the closest, differing by 0.7 mm. The most pronounced differences in the height of the vertebral bodies among men are between C7 and C5, reaching 2 mm.

Conclusion: Differences in the average width of the vertebral bodies of the cervical spine in men and women do not exceed 8 mm. The greatest height differences were for C7 and C5. The data obtained make it possible to improve the methods of computer processing, to improve the methods of personalized treatment of patients when planning endoscopic microsurgical operations and fixing microsurgical stabilizing structures.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):143-147
pages 143-147 views

Comparative study of methods for the modernization of mesh prostheses as a matrix for the cultivation of fibroblasts

Ivanov I., Ushanov A., Mishina E., Plotnikov V., Bobkova A., Tolkachev K.


Objective: conduct a comparative study of methods for the modernization of mesh prostheses as a matrix for the cultivation of fibroblasts.

Materials and methods: In the experiment conditions, polycaprolactone substance was applied to the surface of mesh hernioendoprostheses according to the original method proposed by V.V. Bereshchenko and a team of co-authors (2019). The polyvinylidene fluoride "Uniflex Standard" prosthesis (Lintex LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia) was chosen as the object of study. After applying the polymer, low-temperature plasma treatment was performed with the characteristics: frequency – 5 kHz, pulse voltage – 10 kV, power density – 2 W/cm2, exposure time – 5 minutes. After that, the samples were sterilized using X-ray radiation with a power of 150 kV and an exposure of 3 min. The application of cells was carried out by introducing samples into a DMEM medium with fibroblast culture for 5 days. The obtained samples were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Statistical processing was performed using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test in the Statistica 10 program (Dell Software Company, Round Rock, Texas, United States of America).

Results: The data obtained indicate the successful attachment of fibroblasts to the surface of modified hernioprostheses.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):148-152
pages 148-152 views

Emphysematous pyelonephritis and emphysematous cystitis: case report

Doronin A., Zipunnikov V., Kuznetsov A., Shchelkov S., Kapenkin A.


Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EP) is a special form of acute pyelonephritis caused by gas-forming bacteria, leading to necrotic damage to kidney tissue and paranephral fiber. The process is more often one-sided, but about 10 % of the EP cases described in the literature were bilateral in nature. The article describes a clinical case of bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis in combination with emphysematous cystitis.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):153-159
pages 153-159 views

Epidemic manifestations of coronavirus infection caused by «omicron» genovariant in the Volgograd region

Smelyanskiy V., Zhukov K., Nikitin D., Zarubin N., Shpak I., Kargashin S., Zubareva O., Taratutina M., Stolyarova E.


The article is devoted to an urgent problem – the study of the epidemic manifestations of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 during the fourth wave of the rise in the incidence, which began in January 2022 in the Volgograd region.

Materials and methods: We used the official statistical data of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Volgograd Region on the incidence of COVID-19 and the results of SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA sequencing. The main research method is epidemiological analysis. We analyzed the period from the beginning of the next increase in the incidence, coinciding with the almost complete replacement of other variants of SARS-CoV-2 by “omicron” (since January 16, 2022), until the decrease and stabilization of the incidence rates on March 30, 2022. Comparison of the epidemiological process indicators was carried out with the period before the appearance of the omicron genovariant (as of December 30, 2021).

Results and discussion: Since mid-January 2022, there has been a sharp rise in the incidence of COVID-19 in the region up to 2,222 cases per day by mid-February and a subsequent decrease in incidence rates by the end of March. It has been established that the next wave of coronavirus infection is associated both with an increase in interpersonal contacts on holidays and the subsequent introduction of the infection into work and educational teams, and with the change of the SARS-CoV-2 genovariant to “omicron”. During 2.5 months of the fourth wave, 76,717 people fell ill with coronavirus, which is 36.6 % of the total number of cases registered over the entire observation period. Moreover, the proportion of cases in the age category up to 18 years has significantly increased (by 13.1 %). During the analyzed period, the proportion of cases with a mild course increased by 18.3 % (up to 88.6 %), and the percentage of cases of moderate severity decreased by 10.1% (up to 10.5 %), a severe course decreased by 4.1% (to 0.7 %), asymptomatic also decreased by 4.06 % and accounted for 0.14 % of the total number of detected cases of COVID-19. The share of pneumonia in the total morbidity for 2.5 months decreased by 16.8 % (to 1.6 %). In most cases, the treatment took place on an outpatient basis. The percentage of patients requiring hospitalization decreased to 18.5 %. There is a downward trend in the mortality rate from 4.3 % before the rise in incidence to 3.2 % as of March 30, 2022.

Conclusions: In the Volgograd region, from January 14, 2022, another rise in the incidence of COVID-19 was registered with the maximum indicators for the entire observation period in February. The omicron genovariant, which has become dominant, has a higher contagiousness and is actively spreading in children’s groups. The disease is characterized by a milder clinical course in the form of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, and a decrease in the proportion of deaths.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):160-168
pages 160-168 views

Guide for General Practitioners

The experience of using the author’s therapeutic and diagnostic apparatus in the clinic

Chepuryaeva O.


When examining patients in clinical dental practice, especially in cases of total occlusion reconstruction, the most important thing is to diagnose the condition of human masticatory muscles, in particular, to determine their bioelectric activity and contraction strength. The accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the correctness of the diagnosis and subsequent treatment. After analyzing the diagnostic devices used to study the condition of human masticatory muscles, we found out that today there are no those that can provide comprehensive diagnostic procedures. Therefore, we have developed an author’s device that can be used for gnathodynamometry and electromyography of human masticatory muscles, as well as training with BOS therapy. In this work, a large-scale study of diagnostic devices was conducted, followed by a survey of 100 relatively healthy volunteers aged 18–35 years. The effectiveness of diagnostic devices was determined clinically and statistically. According to the results of the study, the following data were obtained: the highest number of points was scored by the "EMG-BOS AND GDM-BOS, EMG AND GDM APPARATUS" developed by us – 85.83 points. The adaptive electromyograph "Synapsis" scored less – 82.24 points, and the electronic gnathodynamometer "Vizir-E1000" (Russia) – only 79.47 points.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):169-172
pages 169-172 views

A clinical case of metastatic ophthalmia against the background of a severe course of new coronavirus infection

Pyatyshina O., Kostiv V., Martya E., Fesyun K., Zavatin Y., Avramenko S.


The article presents a clinical case of severe bilateral metastatic ophthalmia caused by a bacterial infection against the background of a new coronavirus infection. In a female patient with a new coronavirus infection and viral pneumonia against the background of a septic condition signs of a liver abscess were revealed and a clinic of bilateral endogenous endophthalmitis developed. Despite intensive antibacterial therapy, the clinic of panophthalmitis of the left eye developed, the left eye was eviscerated. The same pathogen – Klebsiellae pneumonia – was isolated in vitreous body culture of the removed eye, conjunctiva smear and pus exudate from liver abscess. Bilateral metastatic ophthalmia was caused by the presence of an infectious focus in the body (liver abscess) on the background of weakened immunity due to severe septic condition of the patient. In turn, coronary viral infection led to severe respiratory tract damage and development of secondary immunodeficiency. The low effectiveness of intensive antibiotic therapy is associated with this. The rare case of bilateral metastatic ophthalmia described by us is of interest for ophthalmologists in terms of the possibility of such a serious complication caused by the bacterium Klebsiellae pneumonia, combined with liver abscess. At as-association of this pathology with severe coronavirus infection complicates the course, therapy and prognosis of this disease.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):173-178
pages 173-178 views

Experience in the treatment of a patient with Wilson – Konovalov’s disease: a clinical case

Statsenko M., Kurushina O., Emelyanov D., Myazin R., Leshina O., Kirina M.


A clinical case of long-term treatment and observation of a patient with a diagnosis of «Wilson – Konovalov’s disease» is presented. This rare hereditary disease belongs to storage diseases and is associated with impaired copper metabolism. The article considers the course of the disease, analyzes the data of laboratory and instrumental studies conducted on the patient in various clinics. It is emphasized that during 25 years of dynamic observation and treatment, it is possible to prevent the development of liver cirrhosis in the patient.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(3):179-184
pages 179-184 views

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