Promoting business ethics in Russia: Legal framework





Introduction. In the context of the significance of the development of the Russian economy, the culture of business communications of business entities is of particular importance. Its enhancement and stimulation are supported in every possible way by the state, and popularization of entrepreneurship and formation of a positive image of the entrepreneur among the population become the most important area of activity in achieving state goals and objectives. Though, the process of forming business ethics and legal regulation of the promotion of business ethics in the Russian legislation are still at the stage of active development. Theoretical analysis. The modern legal field primarily reflects promotion of the values of competition, promotion of social responsibility norms among entrepreneurs, promotion of legal entrepreneurship and formation of a positive image of the entrepreneur. However, most often, the legislator creates the prerequisites for the behavior desired by business in the existing legal conditions, without directly enshrining the “propaganda of business ethics”, with examples from current legislation and law enforcement practice being confirmation of that. Empirical analysis. Fragmented legal regulation of the promotion of business ethics, both at the federal and regional levels, emphasizes the lack of a systematic approach to understanding business ethics, which, in turn, may affect the effectiveness of the future formation of fair commercial practices. Result. In the legal field, business ethics should be considered as a complex, collective and still developing concept, including an attitude to the social responsibility of a business entity, corruption, healthy competition, combining elements of management ethics, corporate culture, ethics of interaction with government agencies, environmental awareness, etc. Introduction to the legal field of promoting business ethics is a natural process. Legal education remains an effective measure to promote business ethics among business entities, that pursues preventive goals, and only in conjunction with measures to support and encourage such activities at the present time, since ensuring the standards of business ethics is closely related to the absence of illegal forms of economic struggle, to building measures of economic security in the context of corporate social responsibility, rejection of corruption, etc.


Ekaterina Toguzaeva

Saratov State University

410028, Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya str., 83


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