Regional and sectoral economy of technological sovereignty of Russia





Introduction. The current state of economic development is due to a long period of spatial infrastructure formation, which is the basis for the formation of a state policy actual concept in its priority areas. The socio-economic strategy of the Russian Federation is currently, for objective reasons, associated with the implementation of the import substitution program. The issue of creating a concept for the formation of technological sovereignty as the main driver of the development of the regional, sectoral economy and the economy of the country as a whole is outlined in the current agenda. Theoretical analysis. The unprecedented economic sanctions imposed against Russia were aimed at weakening Russia’s role on a global scale. The response was the announcement of an immediate course of state policy aimed at intensifying the technical and technological development of the country. Since 2005, the Russian Federation has formed not only import substitution mechanisms, but also created its own innovative infrastructure for the implementation of the spatial economic development strategy. Empirical analysis. Research in the field of the technological sovereignty concept formation has allowed us to formulate a number of global problems and challenges to be solved. The basis of the conceptual presentation were the strategic directions of scientific and technological development formulated by the President of Russia for the period up to 2030. The revitalization of the domestic system is the starting point for building internal potential and establishing stable foreign economic relations. Results. Having considered the existing forms and mechanisms of economic space formation, it became possible to identify the main sites on the basis of which priority strategic directions of development will be implemented. The key tasks in achieving technological sovereignty are to change the system of personnel training, the formation of technological and scientific potentials, the creation of an ecosystem of interaction of various representatives, the implementation of a cluster approach in industry and the creation of investment attractiveness in the regions. As a regulatory mechanism for achieving technological sovereignty, the formation of approaches to the definition of the concept of “technoeconomics” as a new sector in the economic space to achieve the fundamental stability of the Russian economy is proposed.


Olga Naumova

Volga State University of Service

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8397-0998
4 Gagarin St., Togliatti, Samara region, Russia

Nadezhda Nikolaeva

Volga State University of Service

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4718-1227
4 Gagarin St., Togliatti, Samara region, Russia


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