On the issue of forming a university hub in the concept of open innovation



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Introduction. A feature of Russian innovative economy development is the need to solve many problems in a limited time frame, which include the accelerated development of domestic production and the market through the introduction of innovative solutions in the context of minimizing external economic threats associated with anti-Russian sanctions from unfriendly countries. The models of innovative activity are considered and their key subjects are identified. It has been revealed that one of the effective mechanisms for achieving the set goals is to accelerate the pace of introduction of intellectual property objects into industry through the transfer of scientific research results to production. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the place and role of universities in strengthening the innovative potential in the field of intellectual property. The analysis of existing state measures aimed at stimulating the development of innovative potential of universities was carried out. Such mechanisms of interuniversity interaction as the concept of open innovations and network university are considered. Еmpirical analysis. The indicators characterizing the patent activity of the subjects of innovation activity are determined, and the analysis of the dynamics of such indicators as the number of applications and granted patents, self-sufficiency and technological dependence on foreign sources is carried out. It is concluded that at present these indicators are characterized by recession. The results obtained require the adoption of new decisions and the activation of university science as the main subject of the “growth point” of innovative ideas and solutions. Results. The result of the study is a proposal to form a university hub based on a platform for intensifying patent activity not only in the context of university innovation, but also to attract various economic actors involved in the process of both import substitution and strengthening the country’s industrial sovereignty. An analysis was made of the ways of commercialization of intellectual property objects and the planned benefits for subjects-consumers of the university hub services. The advantages of creating a university hub are highlighted, contributing to the development of the innovation sphere and strengthening inter-university relations.

Sobre autores

Anastasia Vasina

Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu. A.

77, Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, 410054, Russia

Olga Sysoeva

Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu. A.

77, Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, 410054, Russia

Oksana Kiseleva

Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu. A.

77, Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, 410054, Russia


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