卷 7, 编号 1 (2013)


Complications of peripheral nerve blocks

Tarabrin O.


The work includes the overview of potential nerve block complications, represents comprehensive and deep analysis of possible reasons. Clinical and physiological manifestations of each complication are considered as well as its diagnostics and methods of prophylaxis and treatment. The work includes clinical case descriptions to show practical application of theoretical statements.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2013;7(1):6-17
pages 6-17 views

Local anesthetic toxicity during pregnancy and labour

Shifman E.


The author overviews and discusses the problem of using fat emulsion as an antidote for local anesthetic toxicity, potentially life-threatening complication of regional anesthesia. The local anesthetic toxicity during pregnancy is still a serious problem and applying a new measure of treatment using fat emulsion should be beneficial both for patients and for anesthetist. However there are many questions unanswered due to substantial difference in standpoints to this problem, poor evidence base as well as absence of protocol for applying the fat emulsion during resuscitation.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2013;7(1):18-24
pages 18-24 views

Theoretical rationale and technology of practical realization to prevent phantom-limb pain following elective limb amputation

Osipova N., Teplyakova V., Sobchenko L., Petrova V.


High frequency of postamputational phantom pain syndrome (PPS) and poor efficiency of measures of its prophylaxis and managements determined the main goal of the study: to develop technology for prevention PPS during elective amputation of upper or lower extremity. The study resulted in purposeful choice of measures complex for special drug prophylaxis (SDP). Theoretically each of these measures is able to block specific peripheral or central mechanism of PPS. The SDP includes anticonvulsant (pregebalin or gabapentin), glucocorticosteroid (dexamethasone), protease inhibitor (aprotinin), NMDA-receptors antagonist (ketamine) and thricyclic antidepressant (amitriptyline). Pilot prospective controlled clinical study was conducted in order to investigate the SDP efficiency (n=28), added according to defined scheme to systemic (n=14) or combined (systemic and epidural, n=14)) anesthesia/analgesia following by postoperative prophylactic therapy. Complex assessment of the results including questionnaire of neuropathic pain diagnostics “Pain Detect” revealed that SDP symptoms were absent in all examined patients undergone amputation regardless of methods of intra- or postoperative anesthesia and analgesia. The novelty of developed technology is confirmed by patent on invention. Total number of patients undergone the amputation of lower (n=26) or upper (n=21) extremity equaled to 47 individuals. No PPS was recorded in each patient. The period of observation was from 6 months to 4 years.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2013;7(1):25-32
pages 25-32 views

Ways to reduce risk of operation and anesthesia in geriatric patients with circulatory insufficiency undergone lower extremity surgery

Soatov A., Semenikhin A.


The goal of the study was to assess impartially potential possibilities of balanced anesthesia variants based on regional blocks in geriatric patients with circulatory deficiency (CD) during operation on lower extremities. The study included 105 patients with CD (II-III FC according to NYHA). The used methods of anesthesia included: unilateral spinal anesthesia, continues epidural anesthesia with reduced concentration of local anesthetics, balanced anesthesia based on lumbar plexus blockade. We found out that assessed variants of regional blocks provide reliable antinociceptive defense of organism from surgical intervention as well as hemodynamic stability and minimal need of sympathomimetic agents.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2013;7(1):33-37
pages 33-37 views

The types of pain and basic groups of antinociceptic agents

Osipova N., Petrova V.


The lecture is dedicated to different types of pain, its reasons and localization as well as neural ways of pain signal transmitting and corresponding methods of prevention and pain management. The lecture includes critical overview of drugs and anesthetic agents applied for treating pain of different etiology.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2013;7(1):38-43
pages 38-43 views

Involuntary developing of epidural block during thoracic paravertebral blockade Clinical case description

Makarov O., Osipov C., Makovey V., Bulatov N., Goncharov S., Ulyanov S.


Clinical case of unintentional developing of epidural block while performing continuous paraverteblral analgesia after thoracotomy is described and discussed.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2013;7(1):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Correlation analysis: exploring hidden mechanics of relationships

Tikhova G.


The concept of linear relationship between parameters and its investigation using methods of correlation analysis are considered in present paper. Graphical and subject interpretation of correlation coefficient values obtained during statistical processing of experimental data is discussed on the base of clinical study.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2013;7(1):48-53
pages 48-53 views

Carl Roller, cocain, and local anesthesia Some less known and forgotten facts

Goerig M., Bacon D., Van Zundert A.


Modern-day local anesthesia began in 1884 with a discovery by young unknown ophthalmologist from Vienna named Carl Koller (1857 - 1944), who placed a cocaine solution on the cornea, thus producing insensibility. The news of his discovery spread throughout the world in less than a month. The story surrounding the revelation of the local anesthetic effect of cocaine and personalities involved is fascinating and relatively unknown.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2013;7(1):54-62
pages 54-62 views

Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to «Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine» journal

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Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2013;7(1):63-68
pages 63-68 views
