卷 4, 编号 1 (2010)


Ketamine and postoperative pain or a new viewpoint on old agent (analytical review)

Ovechkin A.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Effect of neuroaxial blockade on endocrine-metabolic and inflammatory response in abdominal surgery

Luboshevsky P., Ovechkin A., Zabusov A.


The aim of the study was to assess effect of different kind of neuroaxial blockade on endocrine-metabolic response as well as plasma concentration of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in highly traumatic abdominal surgery. 60 patients who underwent elective abdominal surgery were included. The patients were classified into groups according to the type of surgery (upper or lower abdominal surgery) and way of anesthesia/analgesia (general anesthesia or general anesthesia combined with spinal/epidural one). Quality of postoperative analgesia, plasma concentration of glucose, cortisol and interleukins were measured. The results of our work indicate that using of neuroaxial anesthesia technique, namely epidural anesthesia/analgesia, allows of effective containing of surgical stress-response to promote reduction of postoperative complications.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Postoperative pain from patient and physician viewpoint (multicenter prospective trial)

Shen N., Logvinenko V., Vasilenko P., Smirnova E., Anosov E., Dedov S., Konev I., Kobsarev R.


It's presented data of multicenter trial undertaken for determining physical and psychological contributors of postoperative pain syndrome. Course of immediate postoperative period was investigated in 126 patients. General anesthesia is conducted in the 54 patients and regional one (nerve block, spinal, epidural or combination) was the option in the 72. The results of our study suggest that solution of postoperative pain problem lies not only in improving of medical treatment but also in addressing psychological issues as well as supporting cooperation between patient and physician.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Optimization of postoperative analgesia in patients with toxic goiter

Neimark M., Kotlyar Y., Ponimaskina T., Neklyudova M.


Objective: to comparatively evaluate the analgesic activity and hemostasis effects of two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs -ketorolac and ketoprofen in patients underwent toxic goiter surgery. Subjects and methods. The authors examined the severity of the pain syndrome by the visual analog scale and hemostasis parameters in 90 patients divided into three groups according to the postoperative analgesia (ketorolac, ketoprofen, and promedol). Results. Ketorolac provides more rapid onset of action as well as prolonged and effective postoperative analgesia than ketoprofen does. Ketorolac effects on hemostasis are less pronounced in compare with ketoprofen. Conclusion. Ketorolac analgesia may be considered as method of choice of postoperative analgesia in patients with toxic goiter.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Impact of ropivacaine epidural infusion on plasma concentration of some cytokines in pregnant women with severe preeclampsia

Piregov A.


The study focused on changes of inflammatory (Il-1, Il-6, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory (Il-10) cytokine serum level in women with 26-34 weeks gestation having severe preeclampsia and on the contribution of ropivacaine's epidural infusion into these changes. In our trial substantial increase in plasma concentration of inflammatory cytokines and decrease of anti-inflammatory one were common findings in pregnant woman with severe preeclampsia. Conducting of labour ropivacaine epidural infusion was associated with sufficient decrease in serum concentration of inflammatory Il-6 and increase in serum concentration of anti-inflammatory Il-10 that may be the evidence of anti-inflammatory effect of the technique.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):27-30
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Preemptive regional analgesia in patients with lower extremities bone fractures

Prusakova Z., Aku1ov M., Zagrekov V.


The trial included 103 patients with diaphysial femoral and tibial fracture, of whom 78 were assigned to combined analgesia including ketoprofen (ketonal) as “basic” agent and femoral/sciatic nerve block prior transporting into operating room and 25 (control group) were assigned to preoperative analgesia with 20 mg i.m. opioid omnopone. The results of our work demonstrate that regardless of chosen local anesthetic (0,2% ropivacaine, 0,25% bupivacaine, 1% lidocaine) femoral or sciatic nerve blockade provides an effective and safe anesthesia for transporting patients with bone fracture into operating room.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Continuous spinal anesthesia for aorta-femoral bypass surhery in patients with COPD

Kostecky I., Davidova N., Penkova I.


Aim of the study was to determine an optimal anesthesia technique for aorta-femoral bypass surgery in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Material and methods. 58 patients with COPD undergoing aorta-femoral (bi-femoral) bypass were enrolled. We investigated oxygen transport and serum level of cortisol during surgery and in the early postoperative period. We also measured PO 2/FiO 2 ratio. The patients were randomized in three groups - general anesthesia (GA) (n=19), total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) (n=19), continuous spinal anesthesia (CSA) (n=20). Results. PO 2/FiO 2 ratio was significantly higher in CSA group in comparison with GA and TIVA groups. For the patients under CSA cortisol serum level was lower then in GA and TIVA patients but statistically significant difference was reached only between GA and CSA groups at the second day after operation. Conclusions CSA is the most appropriate option in patients with COPD undergoing abdominal aortic surgery.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):38-46
pages 38-46 views

Preoperative treatment and anesthesia for cesarean section in pregnant women with heart septal lesions and pulmonary hypertension

Tkachev A., Rimashevsky V.


The objectives of this study were comprehensive examination of pulmonary function and circulation in pregnant women with pulmonary hypertension 3-4 class of severity and evaluation of effectiveness of spinal anesthesia for cesarean section in these patients. The 59 patients were examined. The results of the study indicate that spinal blockade is an appropriate choice of anesthesia for cesarean section in given group of patients.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):37-52
pages 37-52 views

Case report: treatment of upper limb ischemic pain syndrome by prolonged blockade of brachial plexus

Morozov D., Pashkova O.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):53-54
pages 53-54 views
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Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to «Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine» journal

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Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2010;4(1):68-70
pages 68-70 views
