


Objective. To assess the effect of infusion of lidocaine solution in patients after extensive abdominal operations. Material and methods. Were examined 42 patients with cancer of the pancreas, which is made pancreatoduodenal resections. The patients were divided into two comparable groups. Patients of the first group (n=21) before surgery injected bolus 1.5 mg/kg lidocaine, followed by infusion at a rate of 1.5 mg/kg*h during the first 24 hours after surgery. Patients of the second group (n=21) started epidural infusion of 0.2 % ropivacaine solution at a rate of 5 ml/h. The intensity of pain syndrome was evaluated on VAS at rest and during mobilization, bowel actions, the time of first flatus and first stool, the need for additional analgesics and lenght of stay in the intensive care unit. Results. The intensity of pain in the first day was significantly (p <0.05) lower in the 2nd group than in the 1st group. The bowel actions, the time of first flatus and first stool between the groups did not differ significantly. The need for additional analgesics in the 2nd group was lower than in the 1st group, 4 (19%) and 17 (80.9%) patients respectively (p<0.05). The length of stay in ICU was 4.1±1.66 bed days in patients of the first group, 3.4±1.25 bed days in patients of the second group (p<0.05). Conclusion. Perioperative intravenous lidocaine is an effective and safe method of postoperative analgesia, which by its characteristics is comparable to epidural analgesia.


Ivan Sholin

Scientific Research Institute - S.V. Ochapovsky Regional Clinic Hospital # 1

the head of the Department of anesthesiology and intensive care #6. State Public Health Budget Institution “Scientific Research Institute - S.V. Ochapovsky Regional Clinic Hospital #1, 350086, Krasnodar, Russian Federation 350086, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

V. Avetisyan

Scientific Research Institute - S.V. Ochapovsky Regional Clinic Hospital # 1

350086, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

B. Ezugbaia

Scientific Research Institute - S.V. Ochapovsky Regional Clinic Hospital # 1

350086, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

V. Zhikharev

Scientific Research Institute - S.V. Ochapovsky Regional Clinic Hospital # 1

350086, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

V. Koriachkin

Scientific Research Institute - S.V. Ochapovsky Regional Clinic Hospital # 1

350086, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

E. Felker

Scientific Research Institute - S.V. Ochapovsky Regional Clinic Hospital # 1

350086, Krasnodar, Russian Federation


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