


А retrospective study of T2-weighted MRI images of the thoracic spine at the levels of Th1 to Th6, which was performed in 30 women. 956 MRI images were studied. Reduction of distances from the skin surface to the dorsal surface of the transverse process of the vertebrae to the nerve and the pleura was in the caudal direction. The distance from the surface of the skin to the dorsal surface of the transverse processes of the vertebrae was, the level of Th1 - 50,8 mm (43,8; 57,4) mm on the left and 53,6 (45,7; 59,8) mm on the right; at the level of Th6 - 30,8 (25,4; 35,2) and 29.1 mm on the left (25,1; 36,7) mm on the right. The largest diameter of the nerve was at the level of Th1 - 1,96±0,17 mm. the smallest diameter of the nerve was at the level of Th3 - of 1,52±0,20 mm. Reducing of the distance from skin to nerve and pleura from Th1 to Th6 is due to the decrease in the distance from skin to transverse process. Distance from the dorsal surface of the transverse process of the vertebrae to nerve and from nerve to the pleura is constant on the levels of Th1 to Th6. Clinical and anatomical characteristics and dimensions of spinal nerves in high thoracic level spine should be considered when performing thoracic PVB.


Valery Yaskevich

Bobruisk interdistrict oncology dispensary

anesthesiologist of Department of anesthesiology and intensive care UZ «Bobruisk interdistrict oncology dispensary», 213825, Bobruisk, Republic of Belarus 213825, Bobruisk, Republic of Belarus

A. Busel

Bobruisk Central hospital

213810, Bobruisk, Republic of Belarus

A. Marochkov

Mogilev regional hospital

212026, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus


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