


Material and methods. In group 1 (20 patients) the blockade of the sciatic nerve was performed subgluteal access; in group 2 (20 patients) - subgluteal access to soft tissue compression in the projection of the sciatic nerve for 3-5 cm distal to the injection site; gluteal access is blockade of the sciatic nerve - in the third group (20 patients). All of the blockade of the sciatic nerve was performed by administering 30 mL of 1% lidocaine (epinephrine 1: 200 000). Sensory block was evaluated in the foot, ankle, lower leg, popliteal fossa and hamstring. A total of 60 patients. Also, in addition to the blockade of the sciatic nerve was performed femoral nerve blockade. Results. Complete motor and sensory block of the sciatic nerve occurred in all 60 patients of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups. In group 1, a full block back femoral cutaneous nerve and the popliteal fossa region did not develop in any patient. In 19 patients in group 2 developed a full suite of «+» posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. In 1 patient in group 2 block PFCN was assessed as partial «+». In all patients, the third group developed a full suite of «+» PFCN. Conclusion. When the sciatic nerve blockade subgluteal access full sensor unit is not developed in the popliteal fossa and hamstring. When the sciatic nerve blockade gluteal access sensor unit is developing in the area of the foot, lower leg, popliteal fossa and hamstring. Our method wire blockade of the sciatic nerve and PFCN «2-in-1» from subgluteal access can achieve the touch in the foot, lower leg, popliteal fossa and hamstring.


Valery Piacherski

Mogilev Regional Hospital

MD, PhD, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Mogilev Regional Hospital, 212026, Mogilev, Belarus 212026, Mogilev, Belarus

A. Marachkou

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212026, Mogilev, Belarus


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