


Objective: to evaluate the possibility of the cortisol control in patients with lower limb surgery of various degrees of trauma, as a criterion for achieving an absolutely effective analgesia. Materials and methods. In 15 patients of both sexes aged between 29 and 68 years (57 (53; 61)), 15 operations were performed on the lower extremities (knee replacement - 2, hip replacement - 3, metal osteosynthesis - 4, knee arthroscopy - 6). For analgesia was used spinal anesthesia with 0.5% solution of bupivacaine and levobupivacaine 2.5-3.0 ml. In all patients, effective anesthesia was achieved. The control of the cortisol level was carried out by the method of radioimmune analysis at 4 stages of the study: 1 stage - before surgery, on the operating table; Stage 2 - 30-40 minutes after the beginning of the operation; Stage 3 - the end of the operation, suturing of the skin; Stage 4 - 2 hours after the operation. The obtained data were processed quantitatively using nonparametric analysis. Results. Before the operation, the cortisol in the blood serum was 747.6 (507.4; 807.1) nmol/l. After 30-40 minutes after the beginning of the operation, the cortisol level decreased to 655.5 (512.2; 876.8) nmol/l, but no significant differences were found compared to the level of cortisol before the operation. At the end of the operation, the level of cortisol in the study group was 686.5 (470.1; 856.6) nmol/l and did not differ significantly with the stages before and during the operation. Two hours after the operation, there was an increase in cortisol to 760.4 (517.6; 842.1) nmol/l, but there was no significant differences compared to serum cortisol before and during surgery. Conclusion. Control of cortisol level shows the effectiveness of anesthesia in operations of varying severity.


Aleksei Marochkov

Mogilev Regional Hospital

Email: marochkov@mail.ru
MD, PhD, DSc, professor of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Mogilev Regional Hospital, 212001, Mogilev, Belarus 212001, Mogilev, Belarus

V. Pechersky

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212001, Mogilev, Belarus

A. Lipnitski

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212001, Mogilev, Belarus

A. Abelevich

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212001, Mogilev, Belarus

A. Artiukhova

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212001, Mogilev, Belarus


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