


The article is devoted to the questions of epidural analgesia with the use of opioid analgesics. The work analyzes the clinical effectiveness of epidural use of opioids, lists possible complications and cautions of this method of anesthesia. Bioavailability of morphine and fentanyl for the spinal cord with epidural administration allows to achieve analgesic effects at a certain block level more effectively than with systemic administration. However, the side effects of opioids in the form of respiratory depression are also found with epidural administration (3%), so patient safety monitoring is necessary.


Aynagul Bayalieva

Kazan’ State Medical University

the Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, disaster medicine, Kazan’ State Medical University, 420012, Kazan’, Russian Federation 420012, Kazan’, Russian Federation

J. Yankovich

Emergency Medicine Center, Kazan’ City Clinical Hospital #7

420103, Kazan’, Russian Federation


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