Pain as a symptom of tuberculosis spondylitis (complex analysis on the mono-central cohort study)




Goal of the research: to evaluate intensity and pain components in patients with tuberculous spondylitis addmited to the hospital for planned surgical treatment. Patients (n=115) with tuberculous spondylitis, addmited to the planned radical reconstructive surgery. Before surgery pain intensity in patients was evaluated according to VAS, as well as senso-discriminative, affective and cognitive components of pain, the presence of neuropathic component, the level of anxiety and depression being also evaluated. Patients addmited to the planned surgical treatment have multiple comorbidities, chronic pain of average intensity, in which there is a 48% neuropathic component, more than 60% of patients have an affective component and there are also numerous predictors of formation of high-pain intensity in the postoperative period. The assessment of pain in patients with tuberculous spondylitis should be carried out using both a visual analogue scale and complex questionnaires to identify the nature and components of pain, the presence of neuropathic and affective component with a view of corresponding correction of the treatment.


Olga Pulkina

Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Phtisiopulmonology under MH of RF

Physician of the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation 191036, Saint-Petersburg

A. Mushkin

Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Phtisiopulmonology under MH of RF

191036, Saint-Petersburg

G. Ulrikh

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University under MH of RF

194100, Saint-Petersburg

D. Kuklin

Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Phtisiopulmonology under MH of RF

191036, Saint-Petersburg

U. Kalinin

Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Phtisiopulmonology under MH of RF

191036, Saint-Petersburg


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