Anesthesia in 200 kg weight patient during laparascopic hysterectomy (clinical case)




45 years old 200 kg weight female (BMI 73 kg/m 2) had been operated on for uterus cancer under combined anesthesia (desflurane general anesthesia with epidural analgesia: naropin 2 mg/ml+fentanyl 2 mcg/ml+adrenaline 2 mcg/ml). The case was used as the example, described the clinical approach to such complicated cohort of patients with the accents on patient position, intubation, respiratory and hemodynamic problems. The epidural analgesia is regarded one of the perioperative corner stones in anesthetic approach to morbidly obese patients.


M. Anisimov

FSBI “N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center” RAMS

115478, Moscow

E. Gorobets

FSBI “N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center” RAMS

115478, Moscow


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