Regional blockades using minimal doses of local anesthetics in surgery on clavicle




The goal of the study was to determine recommendations to improve the effectiveness and safety of anesthetic management during surgical procedures on the clavicle. The article analyzes results of completed regional blockade of brachial plexus in 67 patients. Group A consisted of 27 patients who underwent brachial plexus block with ropivacaine 0.75% in the volume of 30.0 ml. Group B included 27 patients who underwent blockade of ventral spinal nerves C5, C6, C7, C8, Th1 and anesthesia superficial cervical plexus branches. Group С included 13 patients who underwent blockade of ventral spinal nerves C5, C6, C7, C8, Th1. It was found that the most effective and safe anesthesia for clavicle area surgery includes brachial plexus block of ventral spinal nerves performed with minimal doses administration of local anesthetics at C5, C6, C7, C8, Th1 level and additional block of branches of superficial cervical plexus. This technique reduces incidence of complications associated with systemic toxicity and other side effects of local anesthetic.


Andrey Brukhnov

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212026, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus

Z. Kokhan

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212026, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus

V. Piachersky

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212026, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus

A. Marochkov

Mogilev Regional Hospital

212026, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus


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