Multimodal combined anesthesia in lung surgery patients with low functional respiratory reserve




Multimodal combined anesthesia (MMCA) as a three-component thoracic epidural blocade with small doses of fentanil, ropivakain and adrenalin in combination with endotracheal anesthesia with sevofluran provides reliable anesthesiologic defence, early extubation and postoperation rehabilitation in patients undergone thoracic operations. This rationale gave grounds to apply this method in patients with lung cancer accompanied by COPD and severe impairment of ventilation reserves. We demonstrate successful experience of MMCA application in 13 patients including 8 patients undergone pneumonectomy. Baseline parameters of spirometry in all patients were lower than conventional limits of functional operability.


V. Gruzdev

Federal State Budgetary Institution “The N. N. Blokhin Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

115478, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. Gorobets

Federal State Budgetary Institution “The N. N. Blokhin Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

115478, Moscow, Russian Federation


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