Experimental study of fluid loss following puncturing the dura mater by spinal needles of different types




Cerebrospinal fluid loss after a puncture of the dura mater is the main cause of postdural puncture headache (PDPH). The aim of the study was to investigate the loss of fluid from the experimental model of the dural sac, after the puncture needle Quincke and Whitacre size 25G. 180 punctures were performed in an experimental model of dural sac, specially developed for this purpose. The dura mater withdrawn from 20 cadavers. Maximum leakage was detected at a puncture needle Quincke with a perpendicular direction of the end. Puncture needle Whitacre and Quincke with parallel direction end of the needle caused a similar loss of fluid. The minimum flow time was 2 minutes. Conclusion: After dural puncture needle of 25 G, in the range from 2 to 60 minutes, the closing of the perforated holes and stopping fluid leakage. Quincke needle puncture perpendicularly along the fibers of the dura mater is accompanied by a significantly greater leakage of saline.


S. Sitkin

Tver’ State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare


K. Sazonov

Tver’ State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare


Vagle Subot

Tver’ State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare


O. Pozdnyakov

Tver’ State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare


A. Ronenson

Tver’ State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare


S. Volod’ko

Tver’ bureau of forensic medical examination



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