Pain control after total arthroplasty: a randomized trial comparing local infiltration anesthesia and continuous femoral block




We compared local infiltration analgesia and continuous femoral block with regard to analgesia and morphine demand during the first 24 h after TKA. The average pain at rest was marginally lower with LIA (1.6) than with femoral block (2.2). Total morphine consumption per kg was similar between the 2 groups. Both LIA and femoral block provide good analgesia after TKA. LIA may be considered to be superior to femoral block since it is cheaper and easier to perform.


Fatin Affas

Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital

Department of Anesthesiolog and Intensiove Care Сольна, Швеция

Eva-Britt Nygârds

Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital

Department of Anesthesiolog and Intensiove Care Сольна, Швеция

Carl-Olav Stiller

Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital

Department of Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology Unit

Per Wretenberg

Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital

Department of Molecular Medicine, Section of Orthopaedics

Christina Olofsson

Karolinska Institute and Karolinska University Hospital

Department of Anesthesiolog and Intensiove Care Сольна, Швеция


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