Spinal-conduction anesthesia/analgesia - new anesthesia approach or useless combination of "old” techniques?




In this article the method of spinal-conduction anesthesia/analgesia, which was designed for knee joint replacement anesthesia, is described. Prospective observational research of 67 patients, who underwent the operation described above because of bone tumors, showed that this anesthesia method was effective in 100% of cases. During postoperative period failures of prolonged conductive anesthesia (15%, n = 10/67) were due to difficulties of perinerval catheters placement. Frequency of excessive hypotension during operation was 21% (n = 14/67), during postoperative period - 16% (n = 11/67).


R. Garjaev

The Russian oncological scientific center of a name of Blohin N. N. of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


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