Opiode-saving anesthesia and analgesia as a component of ERAS in endoscopic adrenalectomy in obese patients




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BACKGROUND: Anesthetic management during interventions on the adrenal glands is quite complex. Difficulties in conducting anesthesia are often determined by concomitant obesity, which is associated with an increased sensitivity of the respiratory center to the action of opioids. This condition contributes to an increase in the frequency of respiratory and other disorders with the use of opioids.

AIM: This work aimed to study the influence of different variants of perioperative anesthesia and analgesia administered during retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy in obese patients during the perioperative period.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A randomized study of 94 patients who underwent retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy for adrenal neoplasms was performed. Depending on the type of perioperative analgesia, the patients were divided into two groups. In group 1 (n=33), the operation was performed under combined anesthesia based on the low-flow desflurane inhalation; for perioperative analgesia, only systemic opioid administration was provided. In group 2 (n=30), the operation was performed under anesthesia based on low-flow desflurane inhalation in combination with the blockade of the fascial space of the erector muscle. In group 3 (n=31), the operation was performed under anesthesia based on desflurane in combination with drugs for non-opioid analgesia. critical incidents.

RESULTS: Surgical intervention of the wound under inhalation anesthesia with ESP blockade (ropivacaine) and a combination of drugs for non-opioid analgesia promotes faster post-anesthetic rehabilitation, effective postoperative analgesia, and fewer complications in the early postoperative period compared with anesthesia using systemic opioid analgesics. This effect contributed to significantly shorter hospitalization of 97 hours for group 2 (95% CI 85-102) (p=0,042) and 94 hours for group 3 (95% CI 82-101) (p=0,039) compared with the 126 hours for group 1 (95% CI 114-135).

CONCLUSIONS: Anesthesia based on desflurane in combination with ESP blockade and a multiple drugs for non-opioid anesthesia is an effective method that promotes fast post-anesthesia rehabilitation and shortens the hospitalization period for retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy for aldostectomy in the perioperative period.


Mihail Neimark

Altai State Medical University

Email: rector@agmu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9135-6392

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Prof.

俄罗斯联邦, 40, Lenin Ave, Barnaul, 656038

Roman Kiselev

Altai State Medical University

Email: rector@agmu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3290-6221

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, 40, Lenin Ave, Barnaul, 656038

Evgeniy Goncharov

Clinical Hospital RZD-Medicine

Email: jecci777@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0680-681X


俄罗斯联邦, Barnaul


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版权所有 © Neimark M.I., Kiselev R.V., Goncharov E.V., 2021

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