Regional anesthesia in spine and spinal cord surgery

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The review is concerned with the summarizing, systematization and analysis of the results of current clinical studies of the use of regional techniques of anesthesia during the spine surgery and spinal cord surgery on the intraoperative stage, as well as regional techniques of postoperative pain management. The current review represents new data concerning description of various regional techniques of anesthesia, the different choice of anesthesia and analgesia, depending on the type of surgery and used drugs. The present overview will focus on possibilities of the use of regional anesthesia at various stages of surgery, including prolonged analgesia in the postoperative period and options combinations of drugs and techniques themselves. We have suggested that there are new opportunities to improve the safety of anesthesia, reduce the number of side effects, as well as finding new solutions for collaborative use of regional anesthesia and neurophysiological monitoring, development of optimal schemes of anesthesia, which should contribute to a better understanding of the issue and expand the possibilities of using the achievements of anesthesiology in medical practice. Although regional techniques are increasingly demonstrating its advantages over general anesthesia, including spine surgery, further research is mandatory in this field of medicine to determine their influence on the surgery outcome of the treatment and the patient's recovery as a whole.

About the authors

Anna A. Ezhevskaya

Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics

MD, PhD, senior researcher of the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation 603155, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


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