Hydrodynamics of hyperbaric solution for spinal anesthesia in the experiment

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The hydrodynamics of hyperbaric solution streams through spinal needles of types and sizes by different administration routes was experimentally studied. Administration rates of not more than 1,0 ml/min were found to be allowed to ensure a laminar stream model. The rates of 1,0-3,0 ml/min led to the appearance of hydrodynamic instability-associated turbulence. The rate of over 3,0 ml/min gave rise to turbulence associated with the thickened jet interface. The hydrodynamic shock of fluid flow with an obstacle as a model wall is a reason for the turbulent spread of a hyperbaric solution on the glass spine model. This mechanism of turbulence does not depend on the type of a spinal needle. The size of spinal needles affected the volume of distribution. Infusion through thin needles at equal rates increased the strength of shock with the model wall and the area of spread of a dyed hyperbaric solution. The advantage of needles with a side hole to achieve unilateral hyperbaric solution spread was found at rates of 1,5-3,0 ml/min.

About the authors

R. E. Lakhin

FSBMEI “Kirov Military Medical Academy”

194044, Saint Petersburg


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