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This paper will be concerned with the results of a prospective controlled longitudinal study which has involved 132 secundiparae (among them 69 patients are with the uterine scar after cesarean section). The parturient women have been divided into 3 groups. Group “A” includes 38 women with the uterine scar after cesarean section, in this group epidural analgesia was administered during vaginal delivery. Group “B” includes 32 secundiparae without uterine scar, in this group epidural analgesia was administered during vaginal delivery. Group “C” - 31 women with the uterine scar, no epidural analgesia was administered during vaginal delivery. Based on a comparative assessment of the pain syndrome intensity in labor according to the visual analogue scale, the research has proved that delivery at the women with the uterine scar is accompanied by statistically more significant pain than at the women without uterine scar. The necessity of analgesia during vaginal delivery at the women with the uterine scar has been proved. The effectiveness and safety of epidural analgesia at patients with the uterine scar have been analyzed. It has been proved that epidural analgesia provides anesthesia during vaginal delivery at the women with the uterine scar, while it does not affect the total duration and course of labor, maternal and perinatal outcomes, and does not mask the clinical picture of the uterine rupture threat.

About the authors

K. A Bozhenkov

Clinical hospital No. 1

Email: kbozhenkov@gmail.com
MD, Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation, “Clinical Hospital No. 1”, 214006, Smolensk, Russian Federation 214006, Smolensk, Russian Federation

T. A Gustovarova

Clinical hospital No. 1; Smolensk State Medical University

214006, Smolensk, Russian Federation; 214019, Smolensk, Russian Federation

A. N Ivanyan

Clinical hospital No. 1; Smolensk State Medical University

214006, Smolensk, Russian Federation; 214019, Smolensk, Russian Federation

V. L Vinogradov

State Research Center of the Russian Federation A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, the Russian Federal Medical Biological Agency

123098, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. M Shifman

The M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute

129110, Moscow, Russian Federation


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