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Control: The article describes the experience of the application of a local anesthetic for ropivokaina paraneural navigation-controlled blockades great occipital nerve in tension headaches. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of navigation-controlled blockades in patients with tension-type headache. Materials and Methods: 87 patients were divided into two groups, were included in isledovanie. One of which received standard therapy in the treatment of the second group used the navigation-controlled large occipital nerve blockade. Treatment efficacy was assessed by the degree of intensity of pain during the treatment, the level of alarm occurrence dissomnicheskie violations, the level of life of patients with tension-type headache was assessed on the index influence headache HIT - 6 at the time of admission and 3 months after completion of therapy. Results and Conclusion: The findings suggest that the use of navigation-controlled paraneural greater occipital nerve blockade with local anesthetic ropivacaine as part of combination therapy of headache voltage leads to significantly better regression of pain and reduce the severity of secondary neurotic disorders.

About the authors

A. V Sgibnev

Orenburg state medical university

460000, Orenburg, Russia

Vadim I. Ershov

Orenburg state medical university

Email: ervad2010@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, DSc, professor, head of the Department of anesthesiology and critical care medicine, Orenburg state medical university, 460000, Orenburg, Russian Federation 460000, Orenburg, Russia


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