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Objective - to estimate frequency of occurrence of critical incidents during epidural anesthesia in gynecological patients with different sensitivity of peripheral chemoreflex. Material and Methods: prospective observational blind study, 54 gynecological patients, elective surgery. The day before the surgery, the sensitivity of peripheral chemoreflex was determined by the duration of an arbitrary threshold apnea in a test with a delayed respiration. According to the duration of the test, the patients were divided into groups: high (group «1») and medium (group «2») sensitivity of peripheral chemoreflex. During the operation and in the early postoperative period, critical incidents were recorded. Results and Conclusion(s). During epidural anesthesia in gynecological patients from intraoperative critical incidents is revealed hypotension. The frequency of occurrence of hypotension was 32.1% in patients of group «1» and 15.4% in patients of group «2». High sensitivity of peripheral chemoreflex in patients during epidural anesthesia is a predictor of unstable hemodynamics, as well as the risk of postoperative nausea and vomiting.

About the authors

Maria V. Golovataya

Kuban state medical university

assistant of department of anesthesiology, intensive care and transfusiology of post-graduate education faculty, Kuban state medical university, 350063, Krasnodar, Russian Federation 350063, Krasnodar, Russian Federation


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