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The Aristotle score: a complexity-adjusted method to evaluate surgical results. For an assessment of dynamics of quality of the provided cardio-surgical help, comparison of a perioperative case rate and a mortality depending on the degree of surgical risk at cardiac interventions the Aristotle score is used. Thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) in comparison with high-opioids intravenous anesthesia (IVA) contributes to hemodynamics stability and early activation of patients. Objective: To analyze a current of the perioperative period at cardiac interventions in children with various categories of complexity of surgical intervention on «Aristotle score» depending on a type of anesthesia. Materials and methods. The 139 children with congenital heart diseases (CHD) underwent surgical correction. Patients were treated in Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Russian Ministry of Health (Penza), and «Almazov National medical research Centre» from 2008 to 2017 yrs. Patients (139 people, the mean age M (SD) of 7.6 (5.6) months of life) were divided into groups according to the categories of operational complexity presented in the Aristotle score. The group 1 consisted of 85 (61.2%) patients underwent interventions of second category of complexity, the group 2 consisted of 49 (39.8%) patients underwent interventions of 3 and 4 categories of complexity. Results. In cardiosurgical operations of the 2nd category of the Aristotle scale complexity a significant positive effect of TEA on the perioperative period was revealed in the form of a decrease in the severity of intraoperative heart failure and the level of glycaemia, the total number of postoperative complications and the time of patients’ staying on mechanical ventilation, as well as the duration of ICU stay and the decrease thrombocytopenia severity and frequency. In operations of grade 3 and 4, in which the duration of extracorporeal circulation was greater, the use of TEA did not have a significant positive effect on the incidence of postoperative complications, but after epidural anesthesia the mean duration of the patients’ stay on the mechanical ventilation and in the ICU was also significantly less. Apparently, the result is a consequence of a lesser severity of heart failure and early activation of patients by excluding the use of opioids, which have a depressing effect on the central nervous system, cardiac, respiratory and other systems. It can also be assumed that the administration of local anesthetics within 24 hours after the operation maintained sympatholytic and antiarrhythmic effects, and also prevented the complications development as a result of effective analgesia. Sufficiently convincing evidence of high antinociceptive activity of TEA is the possibility of safe extubation of patients in both the 2-d and 3-d categories of surgical complexity demonstrated in our study already in the operating room. Conclusion. Use of high TEA as a component of the combined anesthesia at surgical correction of CHD in young children has positive impact on a current of the perioperative period in the form of decrease in severity of heart and respiratory failure, duration of respiratory support, early activation and reduction of ICU stay.

About the authors

Lyaylya Z. Biktasheva

Almazov National Medical Research Centre

the anesthesiologist , office of anesthesiology-resuscitation with chambers of resuscitation and intensive therapy No. 11 for children. Almazov National Medical Research Centre of the Russian Ministry of Health. 197341, St. Petersburg, Russia 197341, St. Petersburg, Russia

I. N Menshugin

Almazov National Medical Research Centre

197341, St. Petersburg, Russia

V. A Mazurok

Almazov National Medical Research Centre

197341, St. Petersburg, Russia

A. E Bautin

Almazov National Medical Research Centre

197341, St. Petersburg, Russia


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