Prevention of chronic the postthoractomy pain syndrome in cancer surgery

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The review is concerned the actual problem - the prevention of chronic postthoracotomy pain syndrome in cancer surgery. The analysis of modern investigations and trends dedicated this problem is presented. The advantages and controversies of each method of perioperative management of patients with malignant pulmonary neoplasms underwent lung resections via thoracotomy approach are reported. The authors also present their original method, which reduces two times the incidence of chronic postthoracotomy pain syndrome.

About the authors

Viktoria E. Khoronenko

National Medical Research Radiological Centre of MH of RF

MD, PhD, DSc, The Head of the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation, P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Institute of MH of RF 125284, Москва

G. R Abuzyarova

National Medical Research Radiological Centre of MH of RF

P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Institute 125284, Москва

A. S Malanova

National Medical Research Radiological Centre of MH of RF

P.A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Institute 125284, Москва


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