Chronic postoperative pain syndrome - «a pitfall» of modern surgery

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The overview is devoted to the problem of chronic postoperative pain. At the moment every fifth patient undergone elective or emergency surgery suffers from chronic postoperative pain. The paper presents current data on epidemiology of chronic pain syndrome following different operations, as well as diagnostic criteria and pathophysiological mechanisms of transformation of acute postoperative pain into chronic pain syndrome. Risk factors responsible of formation of chronic postoperative pain are described in details, among which the most valuable are presence of pain before surgery, trauma of the surgery, intensity of pain in early postoperative period. The article discusses modern methods of prophylaxis of chronic postoperative pain. The most perspective drugs for preventive action include gabapentinoids and ketamine in subanesthetic doses. The main role in prophylaxis belongs to regional anesthesia and analgesia. The role of multimodal approach to perioperative analgesia is presented in the work as well.

About the authors

Alexei M. Ovechkin

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc, professor, Head of the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation 119991, Moscow, Russia


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