Intraoperative developing of critical bradyarrhythmia while applying of dexmedetomidine

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The paper describes application features of the modern sedative drug dexmedetomidine in neurosurgical practice. The authors marked the main pharmacologic effects as well as possible side effects including the most frequent one that is bradycardia. In some cases bradyarrhythmia may become critical and demand decisive action from anesthesiologist. The paper is devoted to describing and discussing of similar clinical case, registered by the authors during providing of sedation by dexmedetomidine to perform carotid endarterectomy in conscious.

About the authors

Aleksandr V. Shmigel’skiy

FSBI “Burdenko Scientific Research Neurosurgery Institute”, FASO

125047, Moscow

A. A. Polupan

FSBI “Burdenko Scientific Research Neurosurgery Institute”, FASO

125047, Moscow

A. S. Kulikov

FSBI “Burdenko Scientific Research Neurosurgery Institute”, FASO

125047, Moscow

A. M. Arefiev

FSBI “Burdenko Scientific Research Neurosurgery Institute”, FASO

125047, Moscow


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