Selected chapters from the monograph “Regional Anesthesia in Pediatrics'! Regional Anesthesia in vertebrology

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The lecture is devoted to the questions of regional anesthesia in pediatric vertebrology. The authors describe specific characteristics of the pediatric patients with pathology of spine, particularities of surgery and anesthesia, pay attention to providing of patency of airway and consider problems and techniques of neuroaxial blockades in children with spinal deformity.

About the authors

V. L. Ayzenberg

The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

117997, Moscow

Gleb E. Ulrikh

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Mecdical University of MHC RF

194100, Saint Petersburg

L. E. Tsypin

The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

117997, Moscow

D. V. Zabolotskiy

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Mecdical University of MHC RF

194100, Saint Petersburg


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