Prolonged epidural analgesia during perioperative period in patients undergone laparoscopic surgery on gastrointestinal tract

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The study focused on the role of prolonged epidural analgesia in complex multimodal analgesia while performing major laparoscopic surgery. The results of evaluation of intensity of postoperative pain, post-operative physical activity and the dynamics of the parameters of central hemodynamics and respiratory function were compared in two subgroups: study group included patients operated under combined and balanced general anesthesia; the control group included patients who had undergone similar in terms of the intervention laparotomy. The results of the study demonstrated reduction of the pain and acceleration of mobilization in patients treated according the pain relief scheme which included epidural analgesia; under the influence of the latter mentioned earlier recovery of baseline blood circulation and respiration.

About the authors

Anatoly A. Malyshev

The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

117997, Moscow

S. V. Sviridov

The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

117997, Moscow

R. H. Sharipov

The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov

117997, Moscow


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