Selected chapters from monography “Regional anesthesia in pediatrics". Continuous peripheral and central blocks in postoperative period

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The lecture is dedicated to the questions of postoperative analgesia in children. Complex reply to pain is considered in details. Various clinical methods of pain assessment and evaluation of analgesia effectiveness in children are discussed in the paper as well as techniques for pain relief. It is highlighted that regional anesthesia applied in children postoperatively has a number of additional advantages. The techniques of performing different regional anesthesia methods, their indications and contraindications and complication incidence are described comprehensively.

About the authors

Vladimir L. Aizenberg

SBEI «Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University» of MHC of RF

117997, Moscow

G. E Ul’rikh

SBEI «Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University» of MHC of RF

194100, Saint-Petersburg

L. E Tsypin

SBEI «Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University» of MHC of RF

117997, Moscow

D. V Zabolotskiy

SBEI «Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University» of MHC of RF

194100, Saint-Petersburg


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