Particularities of perioperative pain management in patients with diseases of blood system

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Perioperative pain management in patients with diseases of blood system is connected with a number of particularities due to severe disturbances of blood coagulation. The restrictions on applying of conventional analgesic methods are connected with high risk of hemorrhagic complications. This study presents possible ways to perform perioperative analgesia taking in account modern drugs effects on homeostasis.

About the authors

E. M Shulutko

FSBI «Hematological research center» of MHC of RF

125167, Moscow

Olga K. Levchenko

FSBI «Hematological research center» of MHC of RF

125167, Moscow

E. G Gemjan

FSBI «Hematological research center» of MHC of RF

125167, Moscow

V. M Gorodetskiy

SBEI APE «Russian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education» of MHC of RF

123995, Moscow


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