The use of nephopam for prophylaxis of acute opioid tolerance and postoperative pain management in cancer surgery

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The study was conducted in order to investigate effectiveness and safety of using of non-opioid central-acting analgesic Nefopam (Acu-pan) as a component of multimodal anesthesia and postoperative analgesia in major oncologic abdominal and small pelvis surgery. The medication showed its high effectiveness for prophylaxis of opioid-induced hyperalgesia and for treatment of postoperative shivering. The using of nefopam as a component of postoperative analgesia allowed decreasing the opioid analgesic consumption significantly and enabled to achieve complete pain relief and to escape CNS and respiratory depression. No atropine-like side effects of the applied dose of medication were registered in monitored patients.

About the authors

V. E. Khoronenko

FSBI “Hertzen Moscow Scientific Research Oncologic Institute of MNH of RF"

125284, Moscow

V. V. Petrova

FSBI “Hertzen Moscow Scientific Research Oncologic Institute of MNH of RF"

125284, Moscow

I. I. Stenina

FSBI “Hertzen Moscow Scientific Research Oncologic Institute of MNH of RF"

125284, Moscow


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